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O2 Community email notifications: now with a new look!

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Hi everyone,

We're implementing some changes to how the email notifications you receive from the community look!

So far, you've been probably getting something along these lines:

Screenshot 2022-07-19 at 11.07.25.png


Now they're going to look more like this:

Screenshot 2022-07-19 at 11.06.03.png

Please let us know if you're already receiving this brand new email layout, we're starting the changes with the email you get when you're mentioned on the community and will gradually implement it to every other template.

If you feel like it, please do share with me via DM a screenshot of how it's looking on your device (you can cut out your personal details - as I did on the above images).

Hope you all like it 🤓!

Message 1 of 31

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Much better, thank you.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 21 of 31

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Hey all,

Thanks for sharing your feedback with the team. I hoped to address a couple of comments just to put some minds at ease, but we've been wanting to do a refresh of our emails for a long time now - in fact we first spoke of it several years ago, I think probably when Mercedes was still about, for those who remember her. 


Rationale behind the change

The email notifications of course serve a vital purpose - to notify you based on your settings. For example, being told when someone's replied to one of your threads, or to your comment, or has tagged you in. Those emails however look very dated, and for years we've been wanting to do a bit of a refresh of them.


This vs other issues or 'bugs'

This isn't a case of this or that - I know some one you have raised issues/bugs and for various reasons they're either being looked at with no timescales, or something else, but those aren't things we, Rafa, Lewys or Martin can fix as they're with the platform provider. So us spending a bit of time updating these email templates doesn't mean other things aren't progressing or still being looked at.


Your feedback

With things like this we really value the feedback from our regulars and everyone else here. We've discussed and looked at several options and based on your feedback so far, @RafaC has made some changes to improve legibility and hopefully eliminate some of the other issues raised so far.


Thanks again all - we're not doing this just for the sake of it... Again we've wanted to give email notifications a bit of a facelift for a while now and we hope with the latest tests, you'll agree they're not flashy or overly complicated, look better and more modern than before, without heavy graphics or images causing unnecessary bulk.

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Message 22 of 31

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So, since the first attempt, I now get script. However, I have to scroll down before I see anything at all. So it's better but still not working properly for me.

Edited to add, the O2 logo is massive and at the bottom not the top.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 23 of 31

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@Mi-Amigothanks for your reply! Please let me know if it’s working for you now slight_smile


@MI5 thanks, pleased to hear you find this version much better.


@Cleoriff, sorry to hear that it’s not looking that good for you. We had a problem for a while with the size of the logo but now we think it’s been fixed. Could you please PM me with a screenshot and also please check if the emails you get today when you’re mentioned on the community show a smaller logo. Thanks for your feedback once again!

Message 24 of 31

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No need to screen shot @RafaC , it's corrected itself overnight. Much better now thanks.

I've had two emails where I've been mentioned and both fine.

The right size O2 logo and no scrolling down to see the message.

Thanks again and to the team for listening to us yesterday.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 25 of 31

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So glad to hear it @Cleoriff 😊
We really appreciate all the feedback and the collaboration by sending screenshots and detailed descriptions of the emails you've been getting, it was really helpful. 

Message 26 of 31

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Pleased to say I have received e-mails of notifications this morning and all came thru in new format as you proposed. Look good. Much appreciate you taking our comments on board. Thanks.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 27 of 31

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Thanks for letting me know @Mi-Amigo! Again, really appreciate your feedback on this.

Message 28 of 31

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Just to give everyone an update on this, we’ve moved forward with the changes on the email layout taking your feedback into account. All the remainder of the email templates have now been updated to the latest version I’ve posted here.

Please let me know if any of you are experience any bugs or issues with the new layout. Your feedback really does help and is very much appreciated slight_smile

Message 29 of 31

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I've checked my emails after this post in the new format. All fine and no issues.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 30 of 31