on 16-03-2022 15:43
I have read lots on the issue with not getting voicemail. I have had chats online with O2, spoken on the phone and yet nothing is allowing me to get voicemail. I have reset network settings, they have requested reactivation of my voicemail etc.
I did change sim and tariff, which I read can sometimes be the issue. I don't know which one triggered my not getting the voicemails as I was unaware until last week that I was not getting them. It was someone saying that they had left me a message after I chased them, that started this off. I have left myself messages, heard my greeting and nothing even if I dial 901. I tried turning off the voicemail and on with 1750 and 1760 and it says that I cannot do that as my number is not known. Makes no sense at all... they have all said (at O2) that my account is fine. I have the iPhone bolt on, iData...
grateful for any more thoughts as it is doing my head in, especially when missing important calls.
on 16-03-2022 16:06
We’re just customers like you but it sounds like you’ll need someone to access your account which can’t be done from here. If you message O2 on Facebook (https://o2uk.co/O2CFB) , Twitter (https://o2uk.co/O2CTW) or Instagram (https://o2uk.co/O2CIG) , they should be able to help you with this
on 16-03-2022 16:20
on 16-03-2022 16:20
hi, thank you. yes, I will contact them again too. I was wondering on here, if anyone else had had this happen and found out what was needed for it to resolve. I feel that I need to say something specific to them for them to do something. It is nothing to do with the sim, yet they feel it could be. I will update if and when I find out what caused the issue. it is soooo frustrating