code 14
on apple watch
on apple watch
Can I get wi-Fi? Set up today by using my phone
on the rare occasion when I swipe up to put my pin in my screen goes blue at the bottom and then the rest of the screen goes orange I bought the phone in November it happened in the first week then just happens occasionally
Hi, my mum has a really old phone that she still uses, it’s a Samsung, a flip up one where you have to press the numbers a couple of times to get the letter. My dad recently passed away and she had some voice messages on there from him but she accide...
I've been trying to connect to the Virgin Mdia Wifi on the London Underground.I get the following message "To use Wifi on the Underground you need to be on 02 and registered with 02 Wifi. We'll send you a text with more info on how" I never receive t...
We currently have no service network in our area for the third day. Supposedly works are being carried out and maybe a timeline of the end of February has been given to other users which is not acceptable!
I'm having terrible trouble with receiving text messages. Today I was trying to buy a new computer, and the bank required two-step verification, but I'm not getting the txt containing the verification code, despite it being OK at the bank's end. Last...
Hi Can anyone help just one question I have an s21 phone on o2 but I have just bought an Huawei sports watch 2 (4g) so my question is can I purchase an Esim to work with the watch and the phone so I can receive calls without having my phone with me T...
Why can't i use call forwarding?