Resolved! VAt invoice
I need to get VAT invoices for all my past bills, the future ones going forward, can you arrange this please ?
I need to get VAT invoices for all my past bills, the future ones going forward, can you arrange this please ?
HelloI have a Samsung A14, for the last 3 months every morning my phone says emergency calls only I have to restart my phone to get a signal then the rest of the day its fine. This is my 3rd handset I've bought as I was told it could be a fault with ...
Im unlimited with O2 for everything do I get charged for using voicemail please Pep
Hi I have an s22 ultra and uber left a voice mail for feedback and I only get asked press 1 if we solved it or press to if we didn't I press 2 and it says its saved but I want to delete it but just don't get option to delete it at all can you help pl...
Hi my phone is not working I can't get any signal at all. I've turned my phone off and back on and I've also turned off my mobile data and back on and I'm still having the same problems, can someone help me, as this has been going on for two days now...
Transfered from Virgin Mobile to O2, new Sim installed, able to dial out but all calls received go straight to voicemail. Completed network reset, and checked all iPhone settings. Text messages can be sent but not received too.
I am on a pay monthly plan. My phone can't connect to mobile network since this afternoon. I got a "No service" on where it's usually "O2 UK". I tried restart my phone, but no luck. I tried to contact O2 via chat many times but every time the bot dis...
Hi, can someone help, I’m currently not receiving calls to my 02 number from landlines or any other mobile network, only from other 02 customers
I am currently in Spain. Pay £30 p/month tariff. Phone is set to roaming and auto select networks. Problem: No networks detected, can't make, receive calls, no data, nothing. The phone is dual sim, other sim works fine, calls, text and data. Seem to ...
Since moving to 02 from virgin media I am experiencing intermittent lost internet connection