Paid bill
Hello, my bill has been paid but Im still cut off from 4G?
Hello, my bill has been paid but Im still cut off from 4G?
I am experiencing the same problem as many others reported on this forum in that having set up a new (to me) iphone I cannot receive the necessary verification message or a return call from Whatsapp to enable the latter. The discussion here appears t...
My watch wont allow me to set up my mobile plan, it keeps saying code 14, can anyone help please?
Gave PAC code two days ago. Still not changed
I want prove I’m + 18 I have a SIM card giffgaff but network is from O2 and I need access adult content
Hello. Received new pay monthly sim sim only 4 days ago, did the form to move old payg o2 number over. Checked with o2 chat next day to see if went thru (payg sim said emergency calls only so something happened) and the o2 member said she cant see an...
hi all, ive just tried to download and view my bills and all that keeps coming up is the error04 code, can any one help in how i could resolve this please.
Why is it saying my 02 app is not available yet and to wait 48 hours all I did was reset password
Hello, My phone is now completely broken. And no longer switching on. I ordered a new one last night, went to a shop on Tuesday, spoke to somebody on the phone on Monday. When ordering my phone yesterday some body promised my phone would arrive tonig...
I live in mid Sussex and work all over Sussex surry and Kent I have found in the last year or so my phone signal cuts out more and more as I drive from site to site is there a reason for it time to move provider