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screen replacementr problems

had my phone screen replaced afer cracking it 12 months ago in a car accident.Got rid of my monthly contract as i was not workingNow i replaced my screen it will not let me use my password.I never really used it before,i used the drawing a pattern lo...

steve_67 by Level 1: Joiner
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Hi I have entered on the app to log in my email address and password. Selected code to be sent to my mobile number but it says it cannot send a y more codes ask for help….?

Baddy by Level 1: Joiner
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Hej. Czy miał ktoś z was taką sytuację że przy kupnie nowego telefonu paczka zaginęła u kuriera. Mimo moich zgłoszeń do o2 oraz firmy kurierskiej w dalszym ciągu problemu nie rozwiązali.DPD mówi ze paczka zaginęła a o2 nic z tym nie robi.

Pomocy by Level 1: Joiner
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Alcatel personal hotspot

Alcatel mobile personal hotspot keeps turning itself off. Can anyone help to solve this problem.

Jeanie by Level 1: Joiner
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New phone delivery problem

Hi. I have recently upgraded to a new phone.I have a message from the courier that they have tried to deliver it - twice - but because I am not at home there is no chance the phone can be delivered.How can I resolve this.I am unable to change the del...

coverage in east grinstead

Not sure if this is the right thread but I am trying to find out when problems with the 02 mast in east grinstead will be sorted out. I have been told this has been down for 6 months with no indication of when it will be fixed, but in the meantime pe...

derick by Level 1: Joiner
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activate esim

I am a new customer with a new iphone 15 Pro Max bought from apple. I opted for an O2 esim but cant activate it because I have no signal to verify my MyO2 account or do a manual download so I am trapped.

Phone is not making calls

Hi I upgraded my phone last week and now I can’t make calls and I have nearly no data,please advise me how I can get my phone back to normal, I understand that I will need to pay more money.Peter Ladds

Pl123 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! No phone access

I recieved my new phone this morning and had asked for an esim - which I can't activate as I have no QR code and when I try "seatch for eSIMs" it says "no eSIMs found." I spoke to someone on your 202 number who said that he would send me a QR code by...

Scanner9 by Level 1: Joiner
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