on 15-06-2023 21:19
Hi every one still haveing problems with my o2 app it was working till I got community rewards credit put on my account and it reset all my data mins and text to 0 spoken to 02 and they told me that it shouldn’t of done that has any one else had this problem any help will be grateful I have removed app and reinstalled it that didn’t solve it it was ok working fine to credit was added
on 15-06-2023 21:26
Can't say it's happened here.
on 15-06-2023 21:37
on 15-06-2023 21:37
on 15-06-2023 21:42
Probably best you reset the data counter on your phone each month @Denzil2321 so you can at least keep track of what you're using.
on 15-06-2023 21:51
on 15-06-2023 21:51