on 07-11-2022 20:39
I am currently 120 hours in, still nothing. Two days of speaking directly with Apple as the O2 advisor on the phone told me it was an Apple issue, strangely the issue didn't appear until I did a sim swap. Same network, same number, same everything yet I am completely without iMessage or facetime.
I am having the same issues of many however I haven't moved to O2, they have sent me out a new sim to try and solve issues of calls going straight through to a missed call and not even ringing along with the fact some people don't even get my messages/imessages and viseversa.
I now have no Facetime or iMessage when I live in a remote area and rely on these to stay in contact with family. O2 are saying it must be an issue with Apple and I need to go to a store over an hour away from my home, Apple have gone through every step and still nothing is showing up apart from O2 being the route cause.
Getting really fed up of being passed from excuse to excuse. No issues before the sim swap, ios updated to the latest version as 'it could be a bug'
Missing messages, calls come through as a missed call text however no actual missed call. People are claiming they are not having texts/imessages off me hence the sim swap and still continues. No numbers are blocked.
on 09-11-2022 15:29
Your account is not active.
It might be due to the disconnection still going through, have you rebooted your phone?
@O2Emma can you take a look please.
on 09-11-2022 15:34
on 09-11-2022 16:03
on 09-11-2022 16:03
Have done a reboot and reset network settings after 3pm as advised, managed to call o2 however nothing else seems to be working.
O2 have told me to call ##002# to reset all forwarding, that also fails. After doing that they said to call 1750 however that now says sorry we cannot connect you, and voicemail and 901 doesn't work. I've just had a complete strop and factory reset my phone as i cannot think of anything else and O2 don't seem to know or want to help.
idata apparently was activated at 8pm yesterday....?
on 09-11-2022 16:05
visual voicemail is now back after factory reset, still verifying by my phone number and facetime activation unsuccessful.
on 09-11-2022 16:07
on 09-11-2022 16:07
on 10-11-2022 12:51
Well the unknown has just happened after a full factory reset and disconnection yesterday my facetime has literally activated without me even knowing. So not sure if @O2Emma had done anything behind the scenes or whether it was the reset or the disconnection but over a week its taken to be resolved.
Thanks all!