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utter despair

Not applicable

decide to renew phone  now have 5 contract been customer many many yrs in process offered tablet  blocked as have 2 many phones on contract no response both recent upgraes are within reject period so clear dont want regular long term customers just waited 50 mins no response cut of earlier over and over again emailed no reply  obvious action is when i can get through return last two and then gi else where was going to do this but offered a "good"deal

"edit"  got through and askedf or settlement figures and returns  operator could not hear me advised normal level  spoke louder tol;d no need to be agressive then yet again  in middle of trying to sort issue cut off clearly it all has to be in writing and probably recorded what is it with the concept of customer service?

Message 1 of 25

Not applicable
not what shop says 5 normal limit
Message 11 of 25

Level 94: Supreme
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I'm sure they are correct.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 12 of 25

Not applicable

@Anonymous I can check this on this rule on Saturday? Can I just ask a couple of questions, if you don't mind? Are all your numbers on the same account? Are they consumer accounts or business? 

Message 13 of 25

Not applicable

consumer accounts  all seperate ie have own ac numbers and d.debits, business acc are else where

Message 14 of 25

Not applicable

right, thank you. Will investigate as promised and will let you know what i find:)

Message 15 of 25

Not applicable

hi there @Anonymous 


As promised, I've confirmed it and officially its actually 4, so you already have 1 extra one... Although I spoke to a manager that confirmed that you will be allowed 10, but it all depends on your credit score. So as long as you have a good credit history you should be allowed to add the new account. Do bear in mind that after the 4th account it will be looked at by the credit referral team, so it's their decision.

Did the store manager told you the credit check was refered or declined?

Message 16 of 25

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OK @Anonymous  I am going to ask for further clarification on this...:smileywink:

The reality is you are allowed 4 contract phones with O2 (the OP has 5)

Apparently though, the manager you spoke to said you can have 10 dependent on credit rating...?

So my questions are

* Are these phones on normal contracts or business?

* Is it common knowledge among managers that you can have 10?

If honest this seems to me to be highly dependent on who you speak to.....


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 17 of 25

Not applicable

   So, This only applies to Consumer (normal contracts) if it was business the Op would not be having this problem. About it being common knowledge I would say yes! I've just tested it so I have 2 Managers and 2  members from the complaint review service saying the same.

   So my advice would be for the op to clarify what is happening with his credit check. There are different steps that the customer can take to get to the bottom of this without the store also

If he has concerns about his credit history:

- The customer can request a copy of their credit file from Equifax via their website on line at The statutory fee for receiving the file is £2.00 which can be paid on line.

If he was refered:

- Contact customer services that will send a request to credit referrals to look into it and then contact the customer

If he was rejected/declined:

- If the customer has been declined and they wish to know why they have been declined, they will need to contact O2 as follows;

Include the order number, name and address

E-mail -

or write to

Credit File Referrals, Suite P, Arlington Business Centre, Millshaw Park Lane, Leeds, LS11 0NE


And if you haven't fallen asleep yet, this is basically how it works!:)



Message 18 of 25

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Thanks for that...and No I haven't fallen asleep LOL

I just can't stand inconsistency with a customer could speak to one advisor one day and be told a)...then speak to someone else and be told b).  It is evident there has been a slip up somewhere as they have one more contract device than they are supposedly 'allowed'.....

However, you are now saying they COULD be allowed 10....if you remember the OP stated they were told by CS they were only allowed 5 it doesn't appear that the magic number of 10 IS common knowledge?

As you say, it does appear to be a credit check issue.....and therein lies another problem. So many people are unaware that trying and being refused and trying again adds to the credit checks being made and computer is saying no every time...

If the 5 devices currently on contract by the OP have been paid for in a timely fashion it remains a mystery why, if they can have 10, they are being refused.

Certainly as you suggest, they need to check their credit history....

(and thanks again....):smileywink:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 19 of 25

Not applicable

Agree! Business rules and procedures are available and should be consulted before aswering any questions or resolving any queries! Some do,some don't... if the op was told they need more information it probably means he has been referred, when it's declined they don't waste your time, they just tell you ,you can't have it. 

About the credit check, it goes beyond the customers paying history. He could have paid every single bill on time but have defaults with other companies. If he has no knowledge of it and he hasn't been applying for. Credit recently then he needs to get a copy of his credit file 

Message 20 of 25