on 21-02-2018 16:15
on 21-02-2018 16:15
are there ever any gurus on the website to help??? now on the second sim in 2 days from you and neither will work just says no service! my iphone 6 is unlocked woreked with multiple other networks! seriously just considering canceling the new contract ive just started
on 21-02-2018 16:19
on 21-02-2018 16:22
on 21-02-2018 16:26
on 21-02-2018 16:26
on 21-02-2018 16:30
Quopted from 02 website :::Pay Monthly customers
If you're new to O2, your sim is ready to use straightaway. Just pop it in your device and you're good to go.
do you have the number that needs to be rung?? got this one from online. Spoke to guru yesterday mentioned nothing about activating
on 21-02-2018 16:30
and thank you for your help
on 21-02-2018 16:52
on 21-02-2018 16:52
@Anonymous Have you checked to see if there is an outage in your area? http://status.o2.co.uk/
on 21-02-2018 16:55
yes checked several times throughout yesterday and today thanks though
on 21-02-2018 16:58
on 21-02-2018 17:02
cheers will get the missis to call them when shes home as the account is in her name and i have no phoine as of joining 02 lol