on 02-01-2015 22:48
on 02-01-2015 22:48
on 02-01-2015 23:32
on 02-01-2015 23:32
on 02-01-2015 23:33
@Anonymous wrote:
@MI5 or @Anonymous will likely confirm for me. If you were to upgrade your airtime agreement it doesn't change the end date of your contract.
So if you want 20gb I don't see why you are reluctant to "upgrade" (your airtime)?
i think it just means you'd be paying for the extra airtime allowance
on 02-01-2015 23:35
on 02-01-2015 23:35
on 02-01-2015 23:36
on 02-01-2015 23:36
@Anonymous wrote:
@MI5 or @Anonymous will likely confirm for me. If you were to upgrade your airtime agreement it doesn't change the end date of your contract.
So if you want20gb I don't see why you are reluctant to "upgrade" (your airtime)?
That is correct, your contract length remains the same, however, 20gb is only available with certain phones so you would have to start a new contract with an eligible phone to get 20gb.
I'm on 8gb and my only option to change is to switch it to a sharer tariff.
on 02-01-2015 23:37
on 02-01-2015 23:37
on 02-01-2015 23:37
@Anonymous wrote:
Agreed @Anonymous
@I don't see @Anonymous's issue here. She wants more data so change the airtime tariff to the 20gb tariff which should be available. Should not need to upgrade handset as part of this.
@Anonymous no need to upgrade handset as that is a seperate plan, just needs to upgrade airtime tariff
on 02-01-2015 23:38
on 02-01-2015 23:38
on 02-01-2015 23:40
on 02-01-2015 23:40
on 02-01-2015 23:41
@Anonymous wrote:
We have to assume that the OP doesn't have the handset that allows for 20gb.
@Anonymous why don't you use wifi when you can?
@Anonymous agreed but we have all suggested what to do, lets see if they take our advice
on 02-01-2015 23:43
on 02-01-2015 23:43