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Signal Issues, 4G poor service, unable to make calls

Not applicable

Hi All,


i'm having issues where by my phone connects to 4G in some non-4G areas and I can't make calls and texts or occasionally can make and receive calls but the quaility is awful. The data is also none exsist when the phone locks to 4G.


Is anyone else having this issue? i'm just wanting to know how many others are facing the same issues.


I've proved to o2 its not a phone faulty also but they not helping me in any way.



Message 1 of 11

Not applicable

4G has nothing to do with calls - it's data only - all calls go over the 2 or 3G network. You say your phone locks onto 4G in non 4G areas - what exactly do you mean by this?

Message 2 of 11

Level 69: Guiding Light
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Try turning 4G off to see if that helps.

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Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 3 of 11

Level 30: Meditator
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There is always the chance that O2 are testing the 4G equipment in the area you are in before announcing coverage or roll-out so that may be why you are receiving a 4G signal in areas of no coverage, however as others have said you should not have any issues with calls / texts as these go through the 2/3G network at the moment.

Have you checked the network status in your area on to check the masts in your area are working?
Message 4 of 11

Not applicable

I have just tried this on my phone, it sems to work.....though i would have thought that if the voice calls and data are seperate it shouldnt make any differance?
The information that O2 has on the web site is patchy.....last week they reported that the masts were being upgraded to 4g, I got an email saying that the work has been completed. This week it reports that 4g isn't available in my area yet.

Maybe its my phone that is unable to switch automatically between 3g and 4g?
the good news is that i only have two months on my contract, on three of my 4 contacts

Message 5 of 11

Not applicable


Thats what o2 said yet it has an affect on my phone so is it possible that the masts in my area are not configured correctly? o2 dismissed this and refused to help. When i'm at home my phone will switch to 4g and when i does i can't make or receive phone calls. o2 say that it could be over shooting signals but there is no 4g close to my area. I also get it the issue at work and the only 4g area is 5 miles up the road and if i go 2 miles up the road i still dont get a good 4g signal.



yes i'f i turn 4G off it works fine but i dont find this acceptable as i dont always remember to turn it off when i get home and then miss calls. I've tried a replacement SIM and a Sony Z3 and Galaxy S5, both had the same issue.



Yes, which if they admitted and offered a discount until the issues go away in the area i wouldn't be complaining about it as much yet i have had these issues since January.



does that mean you get the same issues?

Message 6 of 11

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@Anonymous and @Anonymous what phone have you got?

Message 7 of 11

Not applicable

Hi I am using a Z3 Compact.


I hve found a seting that allows me to select the network setting i.e. 2G, 3G or 4G.  I have set mine to 3G/4G(4G preferred).


This seems to work resonably well at home.  The strange thing is that at rest it switches between 'noG' and 4G but the signal indicator shows 1 or 2 bars.  When I make or recieve calls the signal indicator goes full and shows E or H or +H, the phone works fine.  Not like it is when it is set to 4G only.....So one asumes that the voice and message are tied to the network 4G or 3G network in some way.  And the phones wont switch between them unless you select it do so.  Does anybody know how to do this on a iPhone 4S and 5 i couldnt find the setting.


More worrying is that I went to York where it is supposed to be 4G, well the network was in a state of collapse, I had 4 missed calls no data connection of any sort, unless I logged onto a wifi network but as you move around the city you have to log onto each hotspot, so using Tu is not really an option, I can use Tu at home but there is a lag between messgaes sent via the normal system and Tu. Currently I feel that for me the O2 network is "not fit for purpose".

I am going to talk to O2 tomorrow to see what is going on or what can be sorted.  Luckily three of my four contracts are up at the end of the month.


Message 8 of 11

Level 94: Supreme
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Voice is only 3G (or H) at the moment there is no voice over 4G so the phone will always switch to 3G for calls.
On an iPhone the only option you have is to turn off 4G which will hold the phone on a 3G signal.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 9 of 11

Not applicable

late reply but interesting.

when you say the phone switches back to 3G to make phone calls are you saying that the phone swiches the mast to a 3G mast?

it's gotten even stranger now, while i'm at home i get 4G signal and my phone wont receive any calls or text. i turn 4G off and the phone works fine and according to o2 i dont get 4G in my area.

I then go 1 mile down the road to the town's high street which does have 4G and i then can't received calls or texts. I turn 4G back on and it works fine.

i'm now in the situtation when 4G has to be on where the is 4G and off where there isn't 4G.

Message 10 of 11