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Re: Tips to avoid unexpected charges on your bill

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I have received a 15.00 GBP additional charge upon my bill for Premium Text messages for 85222, linked to 03330030581. After research I have not made messages to either this this message or to this number.

Can you please explain why. Also after trying to phone O2 CSC the free telephone number comes up as 'Potential Fraud'!

This has more than doubled my monthly charge.

I have got a number of telephone call from a 'Potential Fraud' that has been picked up by my security system on my phone.

Can someone please look at this immediately, I have tried to contact yourselves on 3 occasions but the receiver is placed down.

Failure to answer within 7 working days is breach of Ofcom's complaint procedure and being that I am a Key Worker upon the C-19 7 days does include weekends.

Your immediate responses in writing only please.

Message 1 of 26

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Just been doing a bit of digging and found out that Tap2Bill states that people have signed up to certain websites to which they are able to substantiate.

0321 2199 0008 - Outstanding amount Silicone Valley Security Agent

0321 2199 0007 - Outstanding amount Silicone Valley Security Agent

0321 2199 0006 - Outstanding amount Silicone Valley Bank

0321 2199 0005 - Outstanding amount Silcone Valley Bank

"Tap2Bill mobile billing scam" the 2 (two) men who own the company falsely make up statements that people have signed up for something that they have not. It is currently under investigation I have flagged the matter up to NCA myself today because of the fraudulent methods.

May I suggest that if people find anything like this, if you have this money taken from your account request a refund from O2 directly and make them chase them up as O2 are supposed to be the upholder of your information which is wholly not true. 

I shall try to contact CSC again today, they are using C-19 as an excuse not to answer the phone. 

You can make a complaint to Tap2bill, however they have not replied to any requests to date.

Money Savings Expert have also placed an alert out for these people and their allegations.

Message 2 of 26

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Tap2Bill O2 Community:

"I have been receiving text messages from 87066 when i ring and try to stop them the line goes dead"

"Hi @mwy and welcome to the forum! I hope the info @MI5 shared above helps, but please do let us know if you have any additional questions"

"This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues."

I'm obviously not the only 1 to be having problems with these 2 men, there are hundreds, to date.


Message 3 of 26

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See community help here:

And O2 advice here…

and this site will to help you get your money back…

 You should also ring Customer Service and ask them to place the following bars on your account:

Bar all Direct to bill debits

Bar Premium rate numbers

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 26

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"O2 are not the ones that regulate this type of common issue but the regulator Phone-paid Services Authority.
In this self-help guide, I hope to point you in the correct direction to hopefully get your money back from the scammers.

Facebook and other social media platforms are where these scams come from and by being more vigilant on there should also help you in not getting these in future.

O2 can only apply a block on your account for outgoing premium rate services (Confirmed)

NOTE: If you need to block unsolicited incoming calls, you can register on TPS online which should take you off the national marketing database.

To reclaim any fraudulent charges, you need to follow the clear process outlined here I will not repeat the process here as it is better explained there. It is not down to o2 to issue refunds (but you may get a goodwill gesture)

O2’s advice is also available here again unclear if they will block incoming or just outgoing."

Sorry Adam, I have not fallen for an internet scam or anything else, my mobile is supported by an independent high level security, even O2 CSC number shows up a fraud!

Tap2Bill acuse people of joining site that they have not done. 

It is obvious O2 must have got their finger in the pie from Silicone Valley boys.

Mark Fallowfield-Smith, born 1987 and

Michael David Sean Jeffries born 1977.

I am not having 2 jumped up little 'Sprogs' charging me for something I have not been drawn in to. If needs be I shall take it up with the CEO Mr Mark Evans, and get a refund and a written apology for lack of astuteness into this situation.


Message 5 of 26

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"O2 are not the ones that regulate this type of common issue but the regulator Phone-paid Services Authority.
In this self-help guide, I hope to point you in the correct direction to hopefully get your money back from the scammers.

Facebook and other social media platforms are where these scams come from and by being more vigilant on there should also help you in not getting these in future.

O2 can only apply a block on your account for outgoing premium rate services (Confirmed)

NOTE: If you need to block unsolicited incoming calls, you can register on TPS online which should take you off the national marketing database.

To reclaim any fraudulent charges, you need to follow the clear process outlined here I will not repeat the process here as it is better explained there. It is not down to o2 to issue refunds (but you may get a goodwill gesture)

O2’s advice is also available here again unclear if they will block incoming or just outgoing."


Message 6 of 26

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The 'How to Guide' doesn't tell you how to stop this problem.
Placing a TPS upon my account means that 'Private Numbers' for whom I work with won't be able to contact me in an emergency!
BBC have placed a formal inquiry into 'Payforitsucks' so something wrong with them too.
What do I do now?
Message 7 of 26

Level 78: King of Kings
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A few comments

1. Money Saving Expert have no powers of investigation, but are owned by Money SuperMarket, and the site makes money off affiliate links.
2. The BBC is a media outlet and again can't do anything, and WatchDog doesnt even properly exist anymore, most of the people on there complain for the sake of complaing.
3. TPS (Telephone Preference Service) is a database that marketing companies have to incorporate into there operations, and remove any numbers that are subscribed to it, it doesnt have any thing to do with your device.
4. @payforitsucks has helped many users, and i very much doubt there is anything nefarious about him / his site.

People need to take personal responsibility.

Dont click on suspicious links
Dont reply to texts or phone calls if you dont know the number
report fraud to actionfraud not to the National Crime Agency who tbh wont give 2 hoots, and can do nothing if the crime / person is outside of the UK apart from tell interpol / eurpol.

And to add you have to prove that you did not click / reply or add your mobile number to a 3rd party.

Things to do:
Report it to the PSA as you have been advised and let them deal with it, report to Action Fraud that's it
This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 8 of 26

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"To whom it may concern

Money Saving Expert is supporting me in taking another communications provider to court for placing an illegal Default and Possession Order on me without obtaining a CCJ.
The BBC is the British Broadcasting Company, they are a useful portal for making people aware of what is happening out there.
TPS was recommended to me by O2, makes you wonder how safe they are keeping our data!
Pay for it sucks was reported on by Watchdog in 2019.
You state: "Dont click on suspicious links
Dont reply to texts or phone calls if you dont know the number
report fraud to actionfraud not to the National Crime Agency who tbh wont give 2 hoots, and can do nothing if the crime / person is outside of the UK apart from tell interpol / eurpol."

It was myself that received a suspicious email from 4 individuals stating my TV Licence renewal had failed. I found the 4 people linked to this site, the 1 in Derby was arrested, the others from Vietnam and Russia were arrested by the necessary authorities.

I have not received any unknown texts or answer telephone calls as my telephone 'flags' anything suspicious up as 'Potential Fraud or Scams' even O2 CSC telephone comes up as 'Suspected Scam'

You say: "And to add you have to prove that you did not click / reply or add your mobile number to a 3rd party."
That would be contained upon the phones History, I have had a look upon there and as stated the only telephone number that shows as 'Suspected Scam' that number is: 03448090202.

How can O2 answer that one?
As per my bill dated 20 June 2016 someone sent a text to me 12 (twelve) times from 85222 as it says this very clearly on the bill, I have not received any messages from this as it does not show upon the history in my mobile.
PSA say they can help me possibly get a refund but it is up to O2 to take responsibility and stop this from happening again.

Being a Support Worker upon C-19 within our local NHS trust I need my mobile for emergency calls, many of which as you should know come from Private Numbers, as we hold 'confidentiality' very seriously.

The last thing I need is to worry about being screwed over by these 2 men who obviously think they are above everybody else.

What does O2 intend to do now?
CnP sent to O2 payments and CSC section.
Message 9 of 26

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From PSA: "Most phone-paid services operate well and consumers are not just happy to use them, but also experience few problems. But when a problem does arise, many consumers will want a refund.

Consumers are sometimes surprised to learn that it is not our role to handle individual requests for refunds or to handle individual cases. That’s because PSA is a regulator and not an ombudsman or an arbitrator. We are here to set the standards which the industry must follow - in our case in the form of a Code of Practice. We have an investigations and enforcement role, but that is focussed on determining whether the service and service provider are following our regulatory requirements - or not."
So it is up to O2 to make sure they are compliant with Security and Confidentiality which they are obviously not.
A question that I have placed to them and they have yet to answer. cc NCA into the email also.
Message 10 of 26