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Phone Ordered without my consent - Debt Collection Companies

Not applicable


I have been an O2 customer for at least 3 or 4 years and must have spent in excess of £2000 for my mobile phone service. 

Then, about a month ago - I started getting phone calls from BCW, a debt collection agency, about a £70 debt with O2 that i knew nothing about. They were threatening me with court action, which - as an existing customer who is spending upwards of £50 a month with O2 anyway I found peculiar. I received around 10 phone calls, all aggressive in tone, from BCW which, despite me telling them i am an existing customer of O2 show no sign of abating.

I was totally baffled - how can O2 be suing an existing customer who has only ever had one phone and pays c£50 a month without fail for the service?

About 20 months ago I discovered that 2 separate payments for handsets had been going out of my bank account. Again - i was perplexed. I rang O2 to get to the bottom of it. It transpired that my ex partner, from whom i had separated a couple of months earlier had used my account to secure a pay as you go handset. The only security on my account was my mothers maiden name - which of course, she knew.

I was not very happy (obviously) and immediately complained to both her and O2 about this. I had signed no paperwork for this contract, a credit check had been done without my knowledge and it had been done without my agreement. This would have been in September 2012.  After my persisted complaints, she transferred the handset monthly payments to her own account through her own bank and agreed to take ownership of the account - (which I never knew existed). That was , I thought, the end of the matter. I have not seen this woman for over 18 months and am not in contact with her.

In July 2013 I moved house and informed O2 of this change.

Imagine my surprise a couple of months ago to have BCW calling me threatening legal action for a £70 debt that i knew absolutely nothing about. They would not give me details but told me to speak to O2. I have now tried speaking to O2 on at least 5 occasions - but no-one will speak about the account in question (assumingly my ex partners) because I dont pass security checks.  Of course I cant pass security checks because I knew nothing about the setting up of this account!! The first i knew about it was when I started receiving 2 bills a month when i have only ever had 1 handset!

I do not speak to the person who owns this handset and has for 18 months been paying for this handset. I do not know where she lives.

This handset, account and £70 debt was ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with me ! And I would appreciate it, as a loyal, paying customer not to have debt collection companies ringing me and insinuating that I am someone who cannot pay my way.

In exasperation, I paid the £70 but it now transpires that - despite me being the "good guy" and joining the dots regarding the handset - a black mark will stay on my credit score for the late payment.


This is outrageous and I will be writing to the Information Commissioner. I had no knowledge of this handset purchase, gave no consent for the credit check to be made against my name for the phone and did not know it existed until the 2 bills were coming out. Then as far as I aware, the situation was resolved. I changed my address and did not receive any bills or demands for payment. I AM AN EXISTING CUSTOMER.

Why should O2 share my details, as someone who has never missed a payment for anything in his life - with a Debt Agency when a) i never gave consent for the handset to be purchased - never signed any credit agreement and b) never received a bill for that handset?

All I ask is that O2 remove the name of an existing customer from the black mark that is against them through NO fault of their own.





Message 1 of 48

Not applicable
Disappointing outcome. Sorry to hear your update
Message 41 of 48

Not applicable
Of course you do still have the option of taking o2 to Court? It would cost a few £ and I rather suspect as soon as you applied to Court that they (o2) would back track.
Message 42 of 48

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Message 43 of 48

Not applicable

Thanks to all for your kind words. Much appreciated.

Message 44 of 48

Not applicable

I am appalled to say this situation is ongoing and has got even worse.


my complaint of last week reads as follows -


"Good Afternoon


Following being badly treated by O2 when my ex wife took out a mobile on my account without my knowledge and didn't pay the bills - I left O2 in Spring this year.


I rang Customer Services, asked if my contract was now finished and payments complete so that I could port my number. This was confirmed by the Representative and the switch made. I received no further communication from O2 (despite the usual bombardment of sales and marketing messages) until I received a letter from a Debt Collection agency (Wescot) 2 weeks ago for £36.


The letter contained several inaccuracies.

It stated that O2 disconnected my service due to non payment - O2 didn't , I switched to another supplier.

It says - "under the terms of your contract, a termination fee of £0.00 was added to your balance." This has substantially increased the amount you owe. ... ???

It also has the temerity to ask me if I want to be reconnected.


I rang Stuart at your payment centre, queried that I owed anything at all and paid the balance. He was surprised as he stated that no correspondence had been sent to me about any monies outstanding.


My compliant is twofold -

- Why was I told when I rang in Spring that all payments had been made?

- Why did O2 not communicate with me, either via text, email or letter that I owed any money? Stuart confirmed that no contact was made with me at all. How is it fair that O2 can put a credit mark on my file without telling me that I owe them any money? How is this in any way shape or form fair and reasonable?


Finally -I have online billing with Vodafone and I receive monthly emails and texts from them telling me how much my latest bill is. This is good practice - why do O2 not do the same?




I received a reply yesterday  which, in a nutshell, admits no attempt was made to contact me but states it was MY responsibility to log onto my account online to see if i owed any money or not!! so my complaint is not Upheld!!


I received no text, no email and no letter about owing money until i was contacted by ANOTHER debt agency!!


Have a group of mistrreated people ever got together to take O2 to court? I am absolutely appalled by the companies reckless and shoddy practices and not prepared to sit back and do nothing anymore.

Message 45 of 48

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It's a terrible mess for sure and not uncommon unfortunately.
CAB may be best to advise you on legal action and where you should take this next.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 46 of 48

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Awful that you are still having major problems with this @Anonymous It has been going on since April. slight_frown

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 47 of 48

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To my knowledge no group of people have ever jointly taken action against o2. It really is ridiculous that a default can be placed on your credit file when no attempt has been made to contact you. It's difficult to advise where to go next but free advice from the CAB as advised is probably your best option.

Message 48 of 48