on 29-03-2015 15:29
on 29-03-2015 15:29
I've just been told I've wasted ages trying to top up a new PAYG SIM for the first time. Online don't work, by phone don't work. Then I'm told the first top up needs to be done by voucher.
Not once does it say anywhere that this is necessary anywhere on the information I was given with the SIM.
Thanks O2 for wasting so much of my time. Rubbish!
on 29-03-2015 21:40
on 29-03-2015 21:40
I think your only option is to call customer service from your monthly contract mobile on 202 and choose the option to speak about another mobile number. They should be able to register the card against your P&G number. Maestro and some Amex cards don't work unfortunately.
on 29-03-2015 21:40
on 29-03-2015 21:43
on 29-03-2015 21:47
I'll try one more time . . .
From My O2 I select 'Pay and Go'
From products and services I select the only number I have (the new one) from 'Pay and Go'
As current balance is zero I click the @Anonymous up your mobile' button
I select web top up and a new window opens
Input my number, email and select a tenner
I input all my details for the card I use almost every day and . . .
The bldy cat again!
on 29-03-2015 21:50
I think your only option is to call customer service from your monthly contract mobile on 202 and choose the option to speak about another mobile number.
Thanks, closed at the mo, I'll try tomorrow. It's a Visa Debit BTW.
on 29-03-2015 22:21
Live Chat with an O2 Guru ! Insistant I need a voucher.
I went through all this before so I gave up at this point
on 29-03-2015 22:31
on 29-03-2015 22:31
on 29-03-2015 22:57
on 29-03-2015 22:58
on 29-03-2015 22:58
on 29-03-2015 23:02