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O2 have ruined my credit rating and it’s their error!!!!!

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To say I am fuming with o2 is an understatement!!!!

June 2018, I took out a mobile phone contract I was then upsold a tablet but was given incorrect advice (as later found out!)

I fully paid off and cancelled the tablet device and air plan (which was around £15 for both) in December 2017. I double, triple and quadruple checked with them that all had been paid and that I was not going to get a nasty surprise. I was assured that everything had been sorted and no nasty surprises were going to happen and the account had been terminated and closed.

I asked them to send this in writing, but they couldn’t for some pathetic reason. That in itself is ludicrous.

On Friday (01/06/2018) I received a letter from a debt collection agency telling me I owed £165 (£145 to O2 and £20 admin fee). I checked my credit rating and it showed 2 late payments for April and May!!!!

I called o2 & they said oh we can see you cancelled it but we don’t understand why this is happening!!! So they put a credit on my account so the next payment doesn’t show as another late payment. I asked them to take it off my file which she said couldn’t happen until the payment cycle had finished and would take a while. I explained that I was in middle of a mortgage process and this would hugely affect me in getting that mortgage!!!!! So I asked if she could just email the outlines to me so I could show the mortgage provider that this is not due to me making late payments. She said yes of course.

By the following Wednesday, I had still not received an email. I called o2 again. This time I was told that nothing could be emailed and I would have to send an email to ask for the transcript, which could take 40 days. 40 days!!!! I don’t have 40 days. I was then given the email address for the credit referral team to ask for these late payments to be taken off my account. I’ve promtly wrote to them only to have the email returned!!!!! Seriously!!!!! (And no, I haven’t typed it incorrectly)

I asked again why this had happened. Apparently they couldn’t understand why and could only surmise that when I terminated my contract the colleague pressed upgrade to sim rather than close the account!!!! Great thanks for that o2 and thanks for failing to communicate any such thing to me so I could have queried it a couple of months ago to stop it getting this far.

I am beyond annoyed. This is o2’s massive error due to their inadequacies which could cost me and my family the mortgage on a house and they can’t do anything about it immediately. How can this be allowed to happen??? They should be able to take these late payments off my file straight away and give a months free on my phone contract, not just pass it off as nothing and expect me to do all the running around.

This company is a joke. A disgusting way to treat its customers. I have been wth o2 for about 10 years!!!! I would love to cancel my phone contract, but sadly, I don’t trust that they are able to terminate the contract properly.

It also seems I am not the only person this has happened too after reading a number of comments & doing a bit of digging. Surely this should be reported to Watchdog as this is simoly not fair. Why should I have my mortgage jeopardised for their massive error. They should have a timescale in which they have to have it sorted by eg 7 days at most!!!

I hate how these large corporates think they can treat customers however they want with no repercussions. As long as they have your money, in their eyes it doesn’t matter how they treAt you.

O2 you are a disgrace.

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Thank you @Martin-O2. I spoke to Gemma today from complaints who has sent me a letter via email explaining that this is not my problem and your error and that it will be coming off my file. I have forwarded this to our mortgage provider. Thank you for helping and to everyone else. The community is far better than when you ring direct!!! So thank you and hopefully the mortgage on our house is still all good to go!

Message 21 of 33

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All the best wishes that this goes OK for you now @Ginag_81
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 22 of 33

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Best of luck @Ginag_81 wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 24 of 33

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@Ginag_81 that's fantastic news! I'm really pleased we were able to get this sorted for you so quickly. Best of luck with the move and let us know if you have any further issues. 

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Message 25 of 33

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@Ginag_81Well done..! and best wishes...! smiley

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Message 26 of 33

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This has now happened to my mum! She was sold a contract phone she did not need, so i called 02 with her and we returned it before the 14 days. 02 have since confirmed this in writing also. However my mother found out her perfect credit score had a penalty on it due to 02 saying she hadnt paid this phones bill (EVEN THOUGH IT WAS RETURNED AND THEY CONFIRMED IT!!). She has since spoke to 02 several times to be fobbed off, until now she has spoken to someone who has confirmed she is correct and its all on file. HOWEVER.... she has contacted the credit company and they are now saying even with this in writing this cant ever be removed from her credit file, only marked as closed like its been paid... CAN I NOTE THIS MEANS IT WILL BE ON HER CREDIT FILE FOR 6 YEARS AND HAS HINDERED HER FUTURE OR REMORTGAGING OR RETIRING UNTIL SHE IS 67 NOW. 02 you are vile and how you are doing this to innocent people its so wrong!! 

If anyone from 02 can help with this I would grately appriciate it!


Message 27 of 33

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Sounds like a real nightmare @livp.
Will tag our account gurus who might be able to assist @O2Lisa @O2Georgina - can you see if you can help?

Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).

Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here

Message 28 of 33

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I would really appreciate this, they can’t do this to someones life all because of 02’s lack of communication between departments. If I don’t get this resolved I am very happy to take legal action against 02 for this. My mother has every right to if it will ruin her future!x
Message 29 of 33

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Thanks for the tag @gmarkj .


@livp  Sorry to hear that you are having this issue, The best thing to do going forward is to email, This is the team that can assist with any issues in regards to these kind of situations.



Message 30 of 33