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O2 Pay Monthly and O2 Travel Inclusive

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I've read the Guide: Roaming MegaGuide and have seen this:

Good news, our O2 Travel Inclusive Zone Bolt On is now included with selected O2 Refresh tariffs over 90GB and SIM only tariffs over 100GB. You can also select the O2 Travel Inclusive Zone Bolt On as your Extra if your O2 Refresh tariff is between 30GB and 89GB.

Setting aside Volt (which offers Volt Travel Inclusive), my questions are:

1. Is O2 Travel Inclusive only available on Refresh contracts, ie those purchased directly from O2?

2. What base data rates offered to O2 Shop customers qualify for O2 Travel Inclusive?

3. If O2 Travel Inclusive available to O2 customers with non-refresh bundles, ie bought from a reseller, what base data is needed to qualify for O2 Travel Inclusive (see attached pic showing a "low"-data, a "very-low-but-boosted-data", and a "mid-to-high-data" offering as an example). Note: O2 Refresh starts at 2GB, up to Unlimited, with only 3 x Plus Plans for the phone model I was interested in.

Sample from a reputable reseller, upgrade prices:


It is not easy to find which data bands in O2 or via reseller qualify for O2 Travel Inclusive, even in the O2 Shop or Travel Inclusive help pages:


"Selected Plus Plans" is vague, to say the least - and does not address the bundled, non-Refresh, part of my question above.

Thanks for any guidance!


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@pgn wrote:

It had been niggling at the back of my head for a while, and I guess I got told to stay out of some room at that time so I would not see something I should not, @Cleoriff


The footnote comment ¹ that an XXGB Plan can, or perhaps cannot, be a Plus Plan I find really confusing:

  • ¹ Not all 10GB and Unlimited tariffs are Plus Plans. Look out for the Plus Plan banner when browsing our shop.

Indeed and if it's confusing for us, I can only imagine the look on the faces of customer services 🙄

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 11 of 13

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@Martin-O2 wrote:

Nothing yet @pgn but I'll chase this up for you ASAP. 🙂

Anything concrete on this yet, @Martin-O2?

Message 12 of 13

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@pgn wrote:

@Martin-O2 wrote:

Nothing yet @pgn but I'll chase this up for you ASAP. 🙂

Anything concrete on this yet, @Martin-O2?

Just bumping this one, @Martin-O2 😁

Message 13 of 13