on 22-02-2025 17:45
I have always had three phone contracts and I since found out o2 have been charging me for a fourth line which I have repeatedly told them I don’t have access to to or ever had that number they taking 12-99 out for years to make matters worse I asked them to cut the line off they are sending me a final bill what a insult o2 my last contract with o2
on 22-02-2025 17:56
Every year I renewed my three lines I get a contract I ask can you remove the fourth line as it has nothing to do with me every month I only get a text for the three lines going out bank but I rang o2 last Sunday to be told there’s 12:99 going out bank on that line I reported to fraud squad app was resolved swept under carpet
on 22-02-2025 18:01
Every time I rang to say remove that tine I was told it’s too complicated we’re talking years here at least 5 or more why is it so hard to delete a number unless someone’s proferting from it certainly not me
on 22-02-2025 18:05
on 22-02-2025 18:05
You're talking to other customers here who can do nothing.
Use social media to contact O2.
Guide: How to find help & contact O2
on 22-02-2025 19:48
on 22-02-2025 19:48