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Memory problems.

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Ok I've never in my years of using contract phones known it so difficult to get through to a company by phone!! I missed the call that was kindly arranged for me by guy/girl on Fb and have not received another. I've tried speaking to live chat earlier where I was disconnected in the middle of sorting things out and so had to speak to someone else and start all over again! The security questions are beyond me. I have some memory problems due to my advancing age of 47 and menopausal symptoms. Also with having to remember several other PIN numbers, passwords,usernames etc
I can't seem to remember who my favouriteactor/artist or musician was back when I took out my contract.
You see I'm extremely fickle and one month I admire Tom Hardy but the next it might be Cillian Murphy then Liam Neeson, Sean Penn,Bradley Cooper or even that young handsome vampire guy...Robert Pattinson who's too young for me and it mortifies my grown up kids coz it's not really his acting😊(but....I don't care) The exact month I took out my contract with O2 seems to have eluded me too. I do know my date of birth though! The password I normally use and several other things like 1st primary school or My first address,mothers maiden name etc. the usual questions that are asked. I also have a second monthly phone with you for my daughter so could I not give you that number,monthly payment,debit card details or something? No that's maybe making it too easy. Oh, I managed to get a phone number from the guy on live chat who said he unfortunately couldn't help me as I don't know my favourite actor from June or whenever I took out the contract. I phoned it but unfortunately was disconnected from that call too due to the fact that when they asked me to give an idea of why I was phoning I said "bill problems" which then put me on to an automated service which asked how much I wanted to pay😤
I used to be with virgin mobile and have also been with Tesco. I'd phone if there was a problem....and lo and behold they'd answer and we'd sort it out nice and quickly. This is like trying to get through to the white house here! I'm trying to make an arrangement to pay the rather large bill I received this month due to unintentionally going over my minutes. I can't pay the full amount but am trying my best to arrange something that's satisfactory to me and yourselves. Could someone please give me a number to call or I give up! After my daughters contract and my own are finished I think I can say that I definitley will be very reluctant to take out another phone with O2.
I'm well aware it's not the fault of any operators etc on here so please don't take my irrate ranting personal. It's aimed at the idiot who came up with automated phone calls in the first place. I'm unfortunately old enough to remember the good old days😑
So if someone could help me to try and pay you that'd be great.
Message 1 of 16

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this is a cutstomer to customer forum, nobody from o2 can see your post, you need to persist with cs, eventually you will get through to someone who will be willing to help you!

View solution in original post

Message 2 of 16

Not applicable
this is a cutstomer to customer forum, nobody from o2 can see your post, you need to persist with cs, eventually you will get through to someone who will be willing to help you!
Message 2 of 16

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Keep trying unless @Toby can assist ?
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 3 of 16

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Oh please tell me you're kidding?
Ok thanks for information.
Ellie x
Message 4 of 16

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You can also use webchat tongue

Current Phone: Sony Xperia XZ Premium
Message 5 of 16

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No we're not - good luck slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 6 of 16

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Hi @Anonymous, I'm Toby, the community manager. Welcome!


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Message 7 of 16

Not applicable
Thank you @Toby for the offer of help and to the others who answered my post. I received a text with a freephone number for me to call and discuss my bill a couple of hours after I'd put this on😀
I'm also so sorry for my long and moaning rant (about nothing really) I was in a bad mood when I put that on. I still can't remember who the actor was that I put as my favourite though and it's bugging me😋
Message 8 of 16

Level 94: Supreme
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Robert DeNiro?
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 9 of 16

Former Staff
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Hi Ellie,

Good to know! If you fancy chatting about other stuff, feel free to check out our Off-topic section slight_smile
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Message 10 of 16