on 09-08-2013 18:15
on 09-08-2013 18:15
on 12-08-2013 13:25
on 12-08-2013 13:25
I find it extraordinary that you have put up with problems for two years without taking matters further.
on 05-02-2014 16:51
on 05-02-2014 16:51
I'm trying to finish a contract at the end of its two year period but they are not able to do it, four advisers tell me its not possible. So I'll cancel my direct debit and I have sent copies of the conversations to the Daily Telegraph, as well as complaining to their useless interbnal Ombudsman who has not deigned to reply. Vote with your feet, as I'm doing. O2 make Sky look positively good to deal with. Say no more.
on 05-02-2014 16:57
on 05-02-2014 16:57
@Anonymous wrote:I'm trying to finish a contract at the end of its two year period but they are not able to do it, four advisers tell me its not possible. So I'll cancel my direct debit and I have sent copies of the conversations to the Daily Telegraph, as well as complaining to their useless interbnal Ombudsman who has not deigned to reply. Vote with your feet, as I'm doing. O2 make Sky look positively good to deal with. Say no more.
If you are at the end of your contract and don't wish to keep your number send a recorded delivery letter to cancel. If you do wish to keep it, ask for a PAC code, give PAC code to new network and then it will automatically cancel.
Handy guide on cancelling at http://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Pay-Monthly-and-Pay-Go/Cancelling-Your-Contract-A-Guide/m-p/566774
on 05-02-2014 17:07
Don't cancel your direct debit as O2 will chase you aggressively for the money. It will also damage your credit rating and cause you even more grief.
What is the reason you were given as to why you can't end your contract?
How long did you give the Ombudsman to reply? Did you go through the O2 Complaints procedure first?
on 05-02-2014 17:11
I meant the internal complaints procedure, rather than the external Ombudsman. They have not deigned to reply after several days. As I write I am sitting on the so called helpline. Guess what, it's busier than usual. The call has been open for around three quarters of an hour. Nobody at O2 is listening.
on 05-02-2014 17:14
on 05-02-2014 17:14
on 05-02-2014 17:16
Did you follow the complaints procedure as detailed here: http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?New,Kb=Companion,question=ref%28User%29:str%28Mob...
It states that they aim to get back to you within 5 working days. Has it been that long since you contacted them?
What reasons have customer services given you for not being able to cancel?
on 05-02-2014 17:52
on 05-02-2014 17:52
on 05-02-2014 21:28