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Account Number: (REMOVED)
On the 1st August, I was contacted by a customer service agent from o2 offering me a loyalty discount and a complimentary Samsung watch.
Instead the agent, using my information, fraudulently placed an order for a new contract consisting of a 24m airtime plan along with a high-specification iPhone 14 Pro Max.
Once I was made aware (after checking my e-mails) I contacted o2 immediately and they commenced a fraud investigation by opening a "fraud ticket".
The iPhone was delivered to me shortly thereafter and since early August, o2 have made ZERO attempts to retrieve the asset nor have they facilitated any means for the phone to be returned.
As a result of the fraudulent activity my credit profile shows that I have taken a loan for the amount of approximately £1,100 against the iPhone.
In an unfortunate twist, the phone was stolen from my property. This was immediately reported to the police (Police Scotland crime reference number (REMOVED). I then notified o2 that I no longer have the item in my possession due to the aforementioned theft. The phone's IMEI number was blocked preventing any further use.
The above could have easily been avoided if o2 had acted appropriately and in a timely manner, instead they REFUSED to take any action to retrieve THEIR asset. The timescale between delivery of the phone and theft was around 7 weeks - ample time for o2 to have resolved the case.
Many weeks, in fact months, have passed where I have relentlessly contacted o2 to resolve the case and to rightfully clear the balance. Instead o2 have decided to uphold this illegitimate contract and are now sending me threatening letters demanding payment with further threats to sell my debt and blacklist my credit profile.
Under UK law it is ILLEGAL to procure and execute a contract for goods, services or works without the consent and agreement of the other party.
As mentioned, o2 are upholding this ILLEGAL contract and are demanding sums of money against it whilst continuing to make THREATS against me. At this stage o2 are operating akin to a CRIMINAL enterprise by carrying out acts of EXTORTION.
This case must be solved immediately.
on 19-10-2023 11:51
Regretfully this is a community forum made up of customers like yourself
Possibly worth using Resolver
on 19-10-2023 11:55
It's a well known scam.
Other ways to report here including Action Fraud website
Once passed to fraud for investigation, it can take months to resolve unfortunately, however, you could have avoided all this by not giving the access code as instructed not to do on the texts received.