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Disconnected suddenly with no warning after 20 years custom - DISGUSTED

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I have been a o2 Pay Month customer for 20 years and am extreamly sad and dissapointed.  


I work in Event Catering as a Freelance manager, and like many hospitality worker I lost all my regular income at the very early stages of the Covid19 breakout.  I am awaiting confirmation of my Universal Credit payments and I called to explain to o2 that I would need some time to be able to pay any outstanding bill or work out a monthy arrangement to get back on track.  The customer assistant was able to give me a 30 day break which was a big sigh of relief at the time.  However I am still not currently in a position to pay the outstanding amount (I had a holiday in Dec which meant a higher bill than usual due to roaming charges and my benefit payment only covered my housing costs so far).


What I didnt exoect was to be disconnected without any text or email warning as soon as the 30 days ended.  I have been in forced isolation due to contracting the virus and have spent 2.5 weeks pretty much bed ridden and alone and was horrifed to find that not only was my phone disconnected totally, my account and number seems to have been wiped entirely from the system.  


I tried to reach out to payment support -  17 attempts to call via Skype (my only available method of communication) which i was unable to get through to anything other than lost anbd stolen, or kept being told by automated message to seek help on the website.  I was then told by customer services on Twitter that I HAVE to speak to payment management on the phone and there was no other way to reconnect me.  Then told by another assistant that in fact the lost and stolen team could reconnect me as it was an emergency situation.  THEN told by a lady in that department that it wasn't an emergency and that I just need to keep trying to call until the lines are clear.

I'm disgusted that o2 disconnected a long standing customer in the middle of a pandemic when they are sick and need to be able to contract friends and family is appropriate and that my circumsgtances were not deemed important enough to be helped.  If I had no wifi access at home and needed very urgent medical care, what would I have done??  

Very quick estimate here - I have likely spent around £20,000 with o2 over the 20 years just on airtime bills.  It's a shame that I've lining your pockets for so long when in terms on need you turn on customers so coldly and abruptly.  I still cant pa,y but can't see any way to resolve with you since I cant speak to the right department so I am now looking at another provider.  I would appreciate all the information and codes needed for me to retain my o2 number sending directly to me ASAP.


Regards, David Broughton







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Hi @deepheat81 

So sorry for the circumstances you find yourself in.

All numbers for O2 are in this guide, including Skype. Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support Use any number and connect to any option given, even fraud. They open at 8am which is the best time to call

If you want to cancel your contract then follow this guide

Guide: Cancelling Your Contract 

By the way, you aren't actually speaking to O2 here. It's a community forum made up of members like yourself. However best of luck whatever you choose to do.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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Level 52: Innovator
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Hello @deepheat81
Welcome to the o2 community forum
Very sorry to hear your distress in these uncertain and difficult times many people are stressed.
The codes/link provided for you may help.
It could be wise to get a PAYGO sim from any suitable provider to get you going whilst sorting out the situation with o2.
Just a word to say that o2 have also been battling covid-19 too short of staff not able to run chat and not least having to close their o2 shops.
Good luck stay safe TALLTREES


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Your phone will still get restricted automatically as no one has the relative skill to override the system. You will need to call again to be reconnected

If You need to call O2 then choose any of the options, fraud etc
Everything is taking longer due to the lockdown. Call centres and social distancing means limited staff to handle all the queries. Patience needed I'm afraid.
Other numbers to try
0800 977 7337
0800 587 4005
0800 0901808

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