09-10-2017 19:09
09-10-2017 19:09
I have been with O2 for many years and, being a very, very light user of my iphone 6, I have a very low cost monthly package. I think my mobile data limit is 100mb- could that be right?
Now for years this has been fine. I have never ever run out of mobile data.
But in the last 2 months I have run out of mobile data. I do not download or upload music or videos etc. In fact my only usage is "imessaging" to my family (who all use iphones) and the very rare phone call. I also send some whatsapp messages to a friend.
I am 72 yrs old and am totally perplexed by this. In fact as I type my data has run out and will not be restored until Friday 13th Oct. I did receive an O2 massage warning me it was going fast - but why? Never had that before.
I did call into an O2 store but that didnt solve my problem. The "technician" blamed "instagram"
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
09-10-2017 19:21
09-10-2017 19:21
Hi @Anonymous it could be WhatsApp or iMessage as they both use data & these days 100mb goes instantly so a better tariff maybe suitable for you
09-10-2017 19:41
Thank you for your reply. Now I am totally confused. Last Wednesday I received a txt message from o2 stating that I was whizzing through my Data and should organise a top up. This afternoon I couldn't send any txt messages when away from my home wifi. I suspected this was because my mobile data was at zero?
Just now I looked up my Bill and usage:
Mobile Data: 79.27MB left out of 100MB
Minutes : 95.41 left out of 100.00 mins.
What on earth is going on?
09-10-2017 19:43
09-10-2017 19:43
The phone will be constantly updating in the background. Check out what is using data in the settings and make sure wifi assist is switched off.
09-10-2017 19:47
09-10-2017 19:47
Data shouldn't affect sending texts unless you have used your allowances. Try rebooting your phone. O2's systems never seem to tally with the phone's own usage information.
09-10-2017 19:58
09-10-2017 20:02
The iPhone data hogging issue again
09-10-2017 20:22
10-10-2017 07:54
"iphone data hogging issue" -- please explain.
10-10-2017 16:12
10-10-2017 16:12
There have been many iPhone data issues documented on here whereby customers usage hasn't changed but are suddenly sent the 80% used text and later the same day have run out of data.
Always unexplained by customer service and @MI5 had to change networks and suddenly all problems disappeared.