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6 months of hell

Not applicable

on the 6th may i upgraded as my contract ended , as a partially sighted disabled person with heart and lung problems as well as little mobility in my arms and legs i solely dependent on my phone.

my problems with 02 started 2.5 years ago i was unable to access my bill online . every time i logged on it showed no bill been produced si in july 2013 i finished my 2nd account with 02 and only kept my normal one . then every time i logged on to check bills as it was supposed to be sorted out i got a final bill , for months i had to go through a process of chainging my pass word security question with 02 to acces my latest bill , but every time i logged on again i was back to final bill this went on till may 2014 when my contract was due to renew i was going to leave 02 .

i was prommised assured it was sorted out . now this is where the 6 months off hell comes . i first had trouble upgradeing online , them when after several attemps i was assisted by live chat . my order went through being told i would receive my new phone by 8th or 9th of may 2014 . i received a text message the next morning we are sorry due to manufacturing problems your phone will not arrive till the 21st may , i was very unhappy so cancelled the order . i was told it was cancelled had a transcript copy . 2 days later the phone arrived so i rang 02 telling them the order was cancelled 2 days ago within 24hrs nevermind the 14 days , they checked yes its all been cancelled can you return the phone we will send you a return envelope bag . the bag arrived on the 10th may and i posted it back on the 10th of may and got a receipt . i left it two days and rang to comfirm it had been received back this was comfirmed . i had already paid another month on 7th may for my old contract so 02 owed me a refund . i received a letter saying i owed £12.56p for the days i had the phone , so i rang up o thats wrong we will correct it we actually owe you £37 . then i heard nothing for two weeks then it started . i owed them £12.56 for rental and £480 for the phone this caused me a seveer cardiac arythmia attack resulting in an asthma attic and two days in hospital . my wife rang 02 i rang 02 it was all a mistake everything has been put right as everything was cancelled and returned correctly . kept transcript of chat. then the first dept collectors letter arrived for 12.56p three days later another dept collector agency for £480 i rang 02 i was told it was a mistake and would be put wright straight away , then i started getting phone calls from 8am upto 10.15pm at night 6 days a week threats unltematums , agents comeing to my home to see me , i contacted both dept collection agency told them it was a mix up , got more threats , the other thing was 02 had collected both amounts by direct debit and then refunded them both 3 days later , i sent all the imformation to both dept collections , one stopped for 12.56p . i had contacted 02 several times we are so sorry it been put wright your accounts are clear . the other cllection agency stopped only for another to take over calls text messages home phone calls emails from bcw you owe £528 now and charges will be added , emails stateing we have carried extensive checks and no you are liveing there my address , this then resulted in my first minor heart attack . but the barrage kept comeing i rang 02 on the 08/10/14 at 19.04pm on the live chat i was told again everything was in order my account was clear i kept the transcript i even asked the person can you comfirm my account is clear and you had received everything back correctly , he comfirmed this for me ,ref 589107183. my calls from bcw stopped it went quiet but then 2 days ago i was called and got a letter from dept management on behalf of 02 for £528 i am so sad so ill i am desperatly trying to keep sane and not have a massive heart attack i am takeing 16 medications aday and on oxygen 24hrs . on the 14th oct i rang 02 again being told it was all now sorted out . i would also be able to have a new contract . so on the 15th i used live chat to check again everything was sorted out it was i was told transcript kept . i went through the process of a new contract . it was declined i am presumeing something isnt wright the call from dept management collections comfirmed that today . so i rang 02 again i was told my account was clear but for some reason the phone amount was now oustanding i had to be passed to a department called returnes for the refresh contracts , i was told this amount was still down as unpaid despite they had received the phone back unopened and i was told it only arrived back on the 19th may 14 . it should never of arrived , it was sent back in the envelope they sent me on the 10th of may i have receipts from royal mail . so why have they been lying to me for 6 months . i now have to wait 3 days for a form to be filled in to correct 02s mistakes the stress has caused me seveer healt damadge and someone has got to be accountable for that i had been with 02 since my first mobile over 14 years ago and this is how ive been treated never missed one single payment another letter arrived today a field agent is comeing to see me is it time to call the news

Message 1 of 16

Level 94: Supreme
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Hi @Anonymous 

Welcome to the forum.

I am so sorry to hear of all your problems. If you are in poor health this is really the last thing you need.

This is a customer to customer forum however so we have no access to your accounts.

We don't recommend dealing with Live Chat for issues of this nature. I can only suggest you speak again to O2 Customer Services (on the number you say you have used previously) Keep it concise when you ring them...too much information will probably confuse the issue

I am not sure what you mean when you say 'a field agent is coming to see you'....Is this someone from O2?

If it is...then you will have an opportunity to explain your problems to them

If you want to complain you must complete the form here

I hope everything gets sorted for you as soon as possible

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 16

Not applicable

Hi and Welcome to the forum.

Well what a mess. 😞

Please do put this in writing to that link Cleoriff has added. Bear in mind it can take 28 days for O2 to respond.

You can also use normal mail and send a letter by I recommend recorded delivery to : Telefónica UK Limited
Correspondence Department

PO BOX 694


SO23 5AP

As this has been passed to Debt Collection Agencies I'm guessing a default may have been placed on your Credit File, which is possibly why your application for a contract has been declined.

You can check if this is the case on your credit file via Experian. They sometimes offer a trial period but remember to cancel before the trial period is up so you don't get charged monthly.

If you have a default then this will stay on your Credit File for 6 years after its paid unless you act Asap via your complaint letter / online form to have this removed. You can also write / contact Experian to explain.

Look at message 14 in this link which holds some very useful info from one of our members called @Anonymous

Credits to @piperdog123.

I hope this is resolved for you asap and please do let us know how you get on.

Message 3 of 16

Level 94: Supreme
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Excellent advice cleoriff.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 4 of 16

Level 32: Blockbuster         
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On the face of it, the disorganised functionality within O2 seems to have annoyed yet another customer.

"My life is a facsimile of a sham"
Message 5 of 16

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@Beenherebefore wrote:

On the face of it, the disorganised functionality within O2 seems to have annoyed yet another customer.

As well as exacerbating a few known medical conditions sadly slight_frown

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 16

Level 56: Guvnor
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Cleoriff said:
"I am not sure what you mean when you say 'a field agent is coming to see you'....Is this someone from O2?

If it is...then you will have an opportunity to explain your problems to them"

It won't be someone from O2, I suspect it will be a doorstep collections agent from the debt collection agency.

I do hope o2 sort this garyvrigby for you as, so far it sounds like you're having a dreadful experience.
Follow the advice cleoriff posted and contact customer services and no doubt go through the motions until they tell you the account is clear, when they do, insist they contact the debt collection agency and inform them either by call or by email that there is no debt and you will stay on the line until you get confirmation of such. (they have the details) Tell them that, as the call is being recorded, you need that clarification due to the issues regarding your health this situation has caused.
Once this issue is finally over, I would recommend a serious complaint using the link provided by cleoriff.
Message 7 of 16

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Thanks for clarification about the field agent @viridis If, as you suspect, it is from the debt collection agency  then GaryvRigby needs to be additionally careful. The last thing he needs is further medical problems arising from such a stressful occurrence.

I wonder if, as this seems a very worrying time for the op, whether @Toby could provide some help and advice...?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 16

Not applicable
If it is a debt collector it may be prudent not to allow access as they can on entry take note of any personal possessions if they need to seize and sell to pay the debt.

They won't be interested in the truths of the story. 😞
Message 9 of 16

Level 56: Guvnor
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A debt collector cannot lawfully take any possessions, that would be a bailiff.
A debt collector is only allowed to take payments.
A collection agency can hire a bailiff, but only after a ccj which would never be granted in this case.
Message 10 of 16