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02 Fraudulently taking money

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Hello I am having some trouble with 02 that has really distressed us.


Basically we had an 02 phone that we purchased through Carphone warehouse that we kept for the duration of its contract. Once the contract was up 02s loyalty department phoned us to offer us an upgrade deal; however when we checked the 02 website we found that the upgrade deals were way more expensive than the deals on the website. The upgrade department made it clear that they would not be able to match those prices, so we said that we would upgrade through the website. They told us that if we did this then 02 would cancel the contract after the billing period.


We then purchased new phones on an 02 contract. For 3 years we have thought nothing of seeing 02 on our bank statements as we are with 02 for our phones. However we recently decided to go with Virgin Mobile as they offer better deals. We asked 02 to cancel our contracts and they told us this would be automatic once we transfered our numbers over.


Except last night we realised payments had gone out to 02 from both of our bank accounts, so we cancelled the direct debits. We then recieved text message telling us to update our payment details or face legal action. We contacted 02 who confirmed that the accounts had been cancelled, and that no money should be being taken. Although our accounts did show that we were in credit, and so we got the money refunded.


10 minutes later the customer service agent phoned up and asked us about 'the third account' which we don't have. It turns out 02 never cancelled the contract 3 years ago, and have been billing our bank account for the last 3 years. When we asked how much money had been taken from an account that was not in use, and shouldnt exist, the customer service agent rather rapidly hung up. We're now stuck as you can't get through on the phone, we can't do live chat as we dont have an 02 account any longer, and are not anticipating a call back as the refund would need to be a few hundred £s, which from a friends experience, they will not want to take responsibility for. What course of action should I pursue over this?

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@O2Richard @O2Emma is that something you can help with? 

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@LukasB I will pick this up thanks.
Message 4 of 5

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Hi @Adornedatom I will need to private message you to get some details thanks.

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