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Please dont be mean. Need to put money on phone, critical. Catagelophobic

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I have a dilemma. I have an o2 pay as you go simcard and it is linked to an email address which is the default for my mobile phone and google play store. (Its not the email i used to register for this username so am a little upset you dont have payg support-my life by that and needing to register here to get this sorted in years to come and backlooking may look a little more awkward as ive tied something else to this situation regarding email addresses when shouldnt have needed to.)Google or somebody not myself logged me out of my phone and the password i have is not working. It appears only link i can use to access it is my o2 telephone number for verification as i have tried google recovery and come to a standstill without further contacting them.
I TRIED ACCESSING THE 02 SIMCARD which incidentally has stayed in my dual sim phone throughout and it shows NO NETWORK (emergency calls only) but phone number is displayed. I decided to try topping it up. i couldnt on the phone's (my) o2 simcard as no network is showing and showed no network when i went to ring but i used my noddle and rang in on the advertised o2 landline number with my other simcard utilised in the phone (thats with another provider) and entered the o2 number. It did not recognise the number. I reentered it when it asked and it still didnt and it was the o2 number.
i cannot access my default mobile phone google account without it as the o2 number is the verification location, i viewed it ubersafe having it like that. You perhaps think im stupid but ive never needed to log fully out of the google account and out of the store and havent, why would i need to log out yet now theres this stonewall white screen with black text saying id logged out and i cannot progress in to update things. I think its been done deliberately at me because something else unrelated happened recently but if spent longer than 5 minutes looking(headlines or one off comments which it would need to be rarely are), its obvious its not related(a £43-19 glitch whereas everything around it was fine[before and after], i dont think so).
I need to put money onto the o2 simcard so i can get that verification but it claimed the number wasnt valid. Now there are 2 issues. One, on immediately looking at the number I was a bit confused. I thought the number was xxxxx747149 or very similar. Supposing i just got it wrong and was mistaken then the number, xxxxx714949 (yes i know they are closeish allready, thats not an issue with me), i know the 714949 dates back to 2017, as i can see it in a call history and in any regards is the phone number which was showing as the phone number when this has cropped up so thats what I am going with, err just ignore this bit until i pull out written confirmation on this, just assume its the latter, if 1st is linked to me though, something very, very nefarious, has/is going on. (I very rarely leave the phone far from sight and the o2 simcard has remained in it)..another phone when i have tried to topup to check network also shows what is in it now as xxxxx714949. I feel minisetup as this present phone dates from 2019 and ive had use for the simcard since then but it doesnt show in phone history, not either number just mentioned.
I KNOW SOME WILL SAY THIS SOUNDS SERIOUS...Its more serious if i cant get access to change the verification means on my phone and i would have been able to do it with money from a topup on it.
1. Can someone assist in my being able to top up my phone, maybe reactivate it if necessary. It will be in my name. Its just that i am Catagelophobic. Genuinely so, became so after a skytv girl deliberately messed with me over the phone many years back playing a back and forward mentioning 2 sets of dates and times game at me, so i only use the phone for talking to friends nowadays. Phone conversations with strangers makes me nervous. That will be the xxxxx714949 as its what shows as in my phone so should be it.
2. Would it be possible to ascertain from somebody if xxxxx747149 was ever in my name(may have to get back on exact number but thats readily rolling off tongue in my head), and in my thoughts was more recent, if so who should i speak to, to ascertain wrt from o2? Please dont be silly or sarcastic. You have not walked a mile in my shoes I am serious. i know how it sounds, i am regularly messed with, my home illegally accessed, please dont be rude and just answer number 2 if youve got knowledge of to whom to assist from 02. I know that number from somewhere if not or very very very close to it.
3. Oh and i would like to complain about them closing down payg livechat


(OH AND WHY THE MORE SERIOUS..Think most know there is a humungous inhumanity upon humanity occurring and certain, very likely a fair few people's extreme/ultimate privacy being messed with. Well by the by, i scheduled now to pay 2 cheques into an account online, those cheques to me by Yorkshire Water and this has cropped up-id like to verify everything above board, upto date and where it should be with my device before i proceed and i can only accomplish that with full visibility of my device to ward off being pushed elsewhere and ward off cementing what may not be the case.)

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ok interesting point I am logged in(shows top left) but the edit button has vanished from last post's drop down. I have taken a camera shot of the screen from another device which shows both the dropdown lacking the edit button and fact I am logged in and also that thats my post.

I wanted to add there was also a situation with a website company called playerauctions where i tried to purchase 3 lobi store ships and  a flight deck cross faction kit for game ST:O for $80. Purchase was agreed to. All i had to do was pay for it. NOT A PROBLEM, I get £1025 a month and clear a lot of it. Well, i thought not a problem. Whereas my topupcard worked fine up to that incident(just prior to the 3 calculations error and them not wanting to address it) at uaccount and they utilised an sms to phone system for purchases which worked fine, this playerauctions website supposedly utilises their own check on purchasing method ownership where they send a less than $1 amount to purchasing accounts and then let the seller take the money, well my account is in pounds, i in contact with uaccount tried to sort it over a few days period(for a finance organisation their reply system was shoddy actually replying next day when this was a known thing occurring from a not long after midday post) and where it should have worked the less than one dollar amount failed, i then moved enough required for transaction to a company called skrill which playerauctions (should be called player item sells in fact) mentions several times for payment. I carried on using uaccount with the rest. Skrill then failed the payment on grounds of supposedly(they said) i couldnt use Money deposited by Mastercard to my new account with them for the transaction for retailer purchases, a subsequent their faq look shows its only some and seems to be cant outside of EU for only some. I tried to get playerauctions to assist, their support works on a different system to their website utilising a thing called zendesk and requiring different login details[NEVER A GOOD SIGN !!] and that kicked up login problems at registration after initial send from website help where they then contact you. i reported them elsewhere and to authorities where it appeared they were deliberately impeding resolution(neither ok can i pay seller outside of your system OR  i will pay you directly, you pass it onto seller was answered). i left a review on trustpilot, well a couple as space was not enough(as i had a lot to say) and they complained saying i was in violation of trustpilot-they incidentally fibbed in the rest of their reply going against what id said. So there was that too which was in the very start of the last quarter of the year..Oh also that playerauctions pulled up something else when this happened, what a dishonest world, when playerauctions did this and lied, i tried pulling up details about their website ownership and guess what details are hidden and who by, well only a website providing organisation themselves, "GoDaddy" which run something or rather their CEO created something called 'Domains by Proxy' which allows website owners details to be hidden. ps Posting this explanation of how this has happened to me and i dont seem on the ball as regards o2 and am unsure wrt this xxxxxxxxxxxx number and xxxxxxxxxxxx number would seem less iffy to me if i could have put it in the last post but needed adding. SO ONCE AGAIN OTHER THINGS SEEMED TO BE OCCURRING THAT DISTRACTED ME FROM MY o2 Simcard in my dualsim phone and its telephone number, and its one step away situation of its function as being the VERIFICATION for my default phone account and default access to google playstore but was just sat in my phone. I felt situation hypersecure using as was. The o2 card has only ever filled one of the 2 slots


OK THATS IT UNTIL I DEDUCE MORE REF WHATS HAPPENED HERE WITH THAT SECOND NUMBER UNSURE ABOUT SITUATION and can say more. Thread can now fall away to page 100 so long as i can post end issue when i know more.


Oh crikey i have just thought of something else, why the heck does my phone simcard show the telephone number as xxxxxxxxxxx IF IT IS UNALLOCATED, i didnt think to ask, doesnt matter now(will ask when i return)...I have just taken 2 camerashots at 1812 on 11/01/21 as it still shows on my phone, admittedly also saying Emergency Calls Only but it states its phone number still, as was evident from the stuff ive allready posted, 1st post. Surely phone sim needs to be active to do that??(or is it just a rubbish phone and retaining what shouldnt-a Huawei one)-wasnt going to say but if you need to recreate, its an "8s". ADDITION, you know, what i am getting at, it doesnt really sound much like the UN, new term may be needed...lynxes, lynxii or plain lynx are cute(dont initial it)

Message 31 of 38

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First point.

Editing a post: You only have an hour to edit, then the edit function is removed from the post.

2nd point. This post will not be closed.

3rd point. You dont have to google your post to find it. If your settings are correct then you will get an email every time a post is made and you can come straight to the post from there once you have signed in.

FINALLY: Your problem has been handed over to @O2Lisa  to deal with. So to save you posting ALL THESE ISSUES on this thread, you should be posting them in a private message to @O2Lisa 


Once an issue has been handed over to an account advisor to deal with, no-one else on the forum will get involved. So posting on this thread, when you should be using the PM function to tell @O2Lisa is a little pointless.


As I said when you asked, most of us on here, are NOT employed by O2. Only the account advisors, such as @O2Lisa and @O2KyleW (who we tagged first, are O2 employees.)


I hope that has cleared up some things for you. Once @O2Lisa has any information for you she will post a reply to you via private message. The private messages can be found at the top right hand side of the page as shown here

Private Message 1.PNG

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 32 of 38

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Trying to make sense of all this is so difficult

Hardly any of it relates to the numbers in question

From what I can garner through it all is that both numbers were in a dual sim phone and have now been withdrawn from service and can no longer be activated again and there is nothing retained on the system

The fact that the numbers are still showing in the phone is irrelevant

The phone had read the numbers from the sim cards and retained them in the phone's memory

Just because the numbers are now disconnected from the network does not mean that your phone would 'forget' the numbers

Top ups and any calls, texts exist only now in yours and your phone's logs

I fail to see how @O2Lisa can be of further assistance, your query has been answered

You need to now obtain new sim card with new numbers and top them up if you wish to carry on using the O2 network

Indeed you are now free to use any network

Just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean everyone is out to tell lies and you need to start trusting what you are told with regards to your now defunct O2 numbers as advised by @O2Lisa 

I'm not altogether sure why you would need to keep referring to this thread as to be quite honest very little has to do with O2, more to do with your doubting what you have been advised

Message 33 of 38

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thankyou Jonsie we are still in today. Can i have your full name please and address as you are not paranoid like supposedly me. Mine is Chris xxxxxxxxxxxx, what is yours, you  who is not paranoid and because of what you have said is not in the least bit concerned about offending me or scared of life because that would actually make you paranoid.. I returned to the post when i realised lol my username and what Cleoriffs pic was and was about to say i hope they didnt think i was referring to them to only find your what at first i thought a truly helpful post from you..


Thankyou for saying "Just because the numbers are now disconnected from the network does not mean that your phone would 'forget' the numbers ". i believe you know what you are saying so thankyou but find fault in your reasoning as to why not. Computers you switch on, switch off things retained. You leave a computer unused, its internal battery goes. Conservation of energy, more energy is needed to maintain things, you dont, they wither and stop.

OTHERS PLEASE DONT ADD TO THIS, MY POST WAY UP WILL DISAPPEAR INTO OTHER SUBJECT. I didnt ask o2Lisa to say more, Cleoriff did and was happy how was left by them.

Thankyou for your input, wasnt needed but thankyou. I am not too offended and am not going to get into a slanging match or they will close the thread, but feel free to post your name and address, i have mine...and you are not stupid i think is the typical out there which is actual paranoid persons or reason to be worried persons first out (and why would you have, thats paranoid).

o2 Lisas convo, my next post after that and next after today after i hope google has checked this thread too, which kind of concerns me, Jonsie whats just happened by your post  so i go ha, ha thankyou, thankyou for what you posted ive taken onboard what you said (still post your name and address if you want to show you have no reason not to and OTHERS please dont add to this). This is about my life and getting somethingb resolved and soirted HERE IN 2021 start of a new year. THANKYOU (AND (addition) in advance Cleoriff, you dont need to say, Jonsie knows he doesnt have to answer. Just thought you might say more given this thread all ready and i know i will have been wrong that you might and we will never know(cross fingers)). Im staying shtumm until i can actually further knowledge as whats occurred so sorry and thankyou


[Mod edit: Please do not share personal details as your posts are visible to the public. Thanks!]

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I will respond to this as I have been responding constantly. No one on here will give you their name, address or phone number. It's against forum rules. So yours will be removed by the moderators as will aall the phone numbers you have posted..

This is an open forum and anyone can read your thread so personal info is not allowed.


You have been helped by @O2Lisa to the full extent of her ability.

All anyone on here has tried to do, is help you. So I'm not paranoid either. Just telling you a little bit about forum rules and etiquette.


Also and I repeat, NO-ONE will close the thread unless it gets out of hand.


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 35 of 38

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Why on earth would you want my name and address

I certainly don't want yours and as this is a public community you should delete yours

I too will not get into a slanging match

I've told you the truth which you obviously don't want to hear

I presume you get into all your correspondence with the gaming and utility companies in such depth and detail.

You presume people are lying to you and mistrust advice given in good faith

I will leave this thread for you to refer back to whenever you feel the need

As for your request?

No, you won't be getting my name and address

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i was too late, that was very quick, both of you



Message 37 of 38

Not applicable

Hey @CatagelophobicC doesn't your old number end with 561678 ?

Message 38 of 38