on 29-05-2022 15:43
What on earth is going on with web top up. I have used web top up for many years without any issues to top up mine and my wife's account until yesterday, when I tried three times with two different cards only to get a message that the payment was blocked and to contact my bank.
We contacted customer services to be told that my bank had blocked the payment, which is ridiculous, I immediately contacted my bank who confirmed there was no issue from their end and it is O2's security that is blocking the payment. I tried again this morning with the same result and in the end had to use one of my other bank accounts.
I would be grateful if somebody can tell me what on earth is going on because I certainly won't be going through all this hassle every month in future.
on 29-05-2022 17:48
on 29-05-2022 17:48
The local o2 shop can not do anything about this apart from telling you to call Customer Services as it needs to go to backend finance teams to get..
This is one instance where you need to actually call o2
on 29-05-2022 18:00
on 29-05-2022 18:00
Thanks, I'm really looking forward to that.😡😡