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Tao2bill - Stripey.Com - StripeyGiraffe.Com SCAM

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I havw posted two messages today, as I registered today also.  I need help please, any help would be so gratefully acceped regarding the SCAM above, which has cost me almost £100. I cannot get any help from 02, despite them recommending I write to Tap2bill and confirm I did not subscribe to this "arrangement".

When that did not get me anywhere, I wrote twice to head office 02, complaining they had given my number to a marketing company, but of course, the company simply say I typed my email address into a "banner" on their email?

Very good, except I never opened the email, it landed in my Spam box, is still there now? Is it one for Ombudsman, Ofcom, who recently have made switcing provders so much easier?

Please please help me, the £59 was borrowed, otherwise 02 cut you off, level late payment charges at you and simply elevate your bill until you either give in, or by another phone sim only and but cash on it?  I still wasn't sure enough to do that, as the"late payments charges at £12 a time" could have been enforced?


Thank you so much



Message 1 of 17

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Hi @Molly88 

Has this happened since May? I ask as O2 has put a 2 step verification process in place to avoid this sort of thing happening?


 However, please look at this guide

Another site to help….


Another guide for future refence is this one Guide: Tips to avoid unexpected charges on your bill 

Also, please contact customer services and ask them to place  A bar to All Direct to Bill debits on your account

Hope this helps and welcome to the forum Welcome

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket

View solution in original post

Message 2 of 17

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Hi @Molly88 

Has this happened since May? I ask as O2 has put a 2 step verification process in place to avoid this sort of thing happening?


 However, please look at this guide

Another site to help….


Another guide for future refence is this one Guide: Tips to avoid unexpected charges on your bill 

Also, please contact customer services and ask them to place  A bar to All Direct to Bill debits on your account

Hope this helps and welcome to the forum Welcome

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 17

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Hi @Molly88 


Brilliant advice by @Cleoriff for you to follow ~ GET YOUR MONEY BACK

it may need some work, but reading what you have done so far that should

be no problem for you with the correct guidance from the links you will

achieve better results.

Pay-for-it-Sucks gives fantastic advice ~ do not be intimidated by these

despicable scum fraudsters.

Let us know how it goes with you and as mentioned if it was during May 2019

it should be better to get sorted.

Best of Luck ~ 



Message 3 of 17

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Hi @Molly88, there's some great advice above that I hope will help you get this sorted. We'd love to hear how you get on with this though slight_smile


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Thank you all, what a lovely helpful Group ; so happy I joined you all.  I have been ill last year diagnosed with Cancer, but hoping the "treatment" is going to put everything back to normal fingers crossed.  I only say this as anyone who has experienced radiation therapy will know it takes a while to get back on track.  Finally I am dealing with everything as my strength is returning.

This started in January of this year.  So thank you for the May suggestion, but it will not apply.  The second time was June bill, which was more upsetting as 02 assured me they had stopped tap2bill, which of course they hadn't.

I am still amazed my mobile number can be given out like this, without my knowledge or permission?? Thank you so much for all your help, its a small fortune to me, so will keep you posted and hopefully I will be in a position then, to help members of the Group with anything I can.

Message 5 of 17

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ps:with regard to "Capping", this wasn't offered until after all the charges had been accepted by 02? They simply said, ring this numver (premium number) and tell them "you did not subscribe at any time to this arrangement" - they will refund you? I have had an ongoing text history with this "number" all they repeat again and again, is to phone the friendly reception of their company, who woll help me? How a receptionist is going to do better than a guy I have been speaking to since beginning of June (a lot of texts) is a mystery to me. So its the kiss off. I keep trying but I am now at the no reply stage with them. Bearing in mind 02 had no doubt whatsoever they were the "go to" and all would be resolved?? So now I am on the trail you have given me, thank you very much. Molly (Harte)
Message 6 of 17

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Hi @Molly88 

Sorry you have been ill, I hope you have recovered from your radiotherapy now. I know how exhausting it can be.

If you follow the advice above you will eventually get a refund. In the @Payforit_Sucks  site there is a template letter you can write which is very helpful.

As I have mentioned him in this post, he may see it and give you additional support should you need it.

Wishing all the very best of luck with this and hope your health improves soon. x

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 17

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Yes @Molly88
Stay with it as @Cleoriff says the @Payforit_Sucks site is very helpful and it has a template letter.
It's difficult when you are not on top form as this is time consuming and stressful.
You'll get a refund following the advice from payforitsucks.
Good luck and let us know your progress.


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Message 9 of 17

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I'm sorry that you have been unwell and wish you a speedy recovery. I'm sure that you could have done without the hassle of dealing with a Payforit scam, and O2 are to be condemned for their failure to help.


Thanks are due to @TallTrees and @Cleoriff for bringing this case to my attention.


Since 11th May, when O2 introduced new rules requiring 2 factor authorisation of these "subscriptions", the incidence of Payforit fraud (on the O2 network at least) has dropped significantly. The fact that O2 took this action is an indication that they accept there was a problem previously.


It would appear that you became subscribed to this "service" from StripeyGiraffe Ltd prior to the introcuction of the new rules. If you haven't already, your first step should be to politely but firmly tell StripeyGiraffe Ltd that you never subscribed to their "service" and that you require a full refund.


The contact details for StripeyGiraffe Ltd that you will require are:

Phone No: 0330 053 8757

Email Address: help<at>

Mailing Address:  StripeyGiraffe Ltd
Bryden Johnson & Co
1-4 Kings Parade
Lower Coombe Street
United Kingdom


This address corresponds to the record held at Companies House, confirming that this is a UK company, subject to UK law, including the Small Claims procedure.


Try to keep clear records of your dealings with this company, including recording any calls (you can tell them that you are doing this) and asking for confirmation of any agreement by email.


If asking nicely doesnt work, you should then write again, asking for:


  • Screenshots of the subscription workflow where you were alleged to have signed up for this service.
  • A description of what the service you are supposed to have subscribed to provides? Is this a newsletter, access to a web portal?
  • Any evidence that after supposedly signing up for the service, you actually used it
  • The complete web server log of the subscription, including the User Agent strings containing all device details (browser, device type, device IP address) together with dates and times.
  • Full company details of the company operating the service, country of registration, full name of company, company number and registered company address.
  • Details of the company’s disputes procedure. This company is a member of the CommsADR scheme, so tell them you ntend to refer the matter to ADR if a refund is not made.

If you use CommsADR, the company is bound by any adjudication made, but you will still be free to take your case to the Small Claims court if not satisfied. So you have nothing to lose by using it.


You can refer your case to CommsADR here:


If the case reaches this stage please contact me again, either by DM here, or through the Payforitsucks website and I will help you with preparing your case.


Regardless of the way the company deal with your complaint, or whether you receive a refund, you should report the company to the Phone-paid Services Authority, as it is a breach of the rules to "subscribe" consumers without consent:


Please keep us informed with your progress.





Phone payment scam? Need independent advice? Payforit Faq for O2 Customers
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Message 10 of 17