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O2 Refresh The SCAM

Not applicable

Been thinking about this since August last year. Coming to the end of my contract i thought oh i have O2 refresh. Happy with my phone i decided to ask the QUESTION. I would like to keep my phone until my free upgrade what happens with my O2 refresh money? You don't get it back.


Here are my issues.

1. A Sim only contract £9 - £15

2. You Pay O2 £25 upwards for a Sin only contract.(RIP OFF)

3. You then pay for the phone at a rate of (Full price of the phone / length of contract in months)

4. Can anybody see this.

5. I am getting bummed here


So here we go.

I dont really like complaining but WTF.

You go to O2 cause you want a phone with your contact and the minuets data text etc.


I mean i got it O2 Refresh cause being a techno-lad I love new techo OH this will be good pay off my 'contract' (and before you get the lawyers around I know it wouldn't be the contract for the 'SIM' cause that would get rolled in to a new 24 month contract) get a new phone BOOM ahead of the game (SUCKER) ". Should have known everything has a price.


I love O2 they have great customer service and it is mainly beyond reproach, and you Mr Customer service adviser, you reading this now instead of the prick that thought of this idea, are a good guy I love coming to you with my problems in your service you strive to help me. Love it don't stop.


But whoever's idea this was mate, I'll be complaining to some financial authority or some trading board. Because it takes the *bleep*.


If nothing happens I might go see someone about say a SCAM that has no place in your business were customers have been mislead. (said reason above by the way). You sell a contract were they expect a phone, and then sell some stuff about how your bound to the contract and the phone, But really if i didn't want to stay with O2 and deal direct with yourselves, I wouldn't have done it, Carphone Warehouse, all these shops they just buy you out to sell the new contract, Believe me i know i work in the car industry i know how PCP works. These places have money set aside to buy them out and you give them the buy out cheaper.


Once O2 Once O2, you have really annoyed me.




On a lighter note I blame HTC for making some of the best phones on the market.


Message 1 of 79

Not applicable

@Anonymous  i get what your saying


your prev contract was say £20 for the phone txt callsand data


but it should not be more for the min txt and data + phone unless the phone u got was worth alot more 


hers an example


you got a galaxy s3 with unlimited txt,calls and 8 gig of data for £30


if you got 02 refresh once the contract has ended and got a galaxy s4 with unlimited txt calls and 8 gig of data it shodnt of been £30 a month + £10-20 extra for phone .. thats what ur trying to say and if thats right the community should be bale to advise u because yes that dosnt seem right to me unless u picked a realyexpensive phone like iphone 6+ or note 4 :S

Message 41 of 79

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As I said.....round and round in circles....

PS @MI5  I like the addition to your signature Happy Dance

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 42 of 79

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Mate my last input on this as I'll get banned mate and tbh, there's other things I'd rather get banned for.
I have refresh on my Xperia Z3
I pay
18 for my "contract"
20 for my phone

The refresh part of that in your eyes is the phone charge at 20 a month, correct?

So now you go and find me a "normal" contract at 18 quid a month that includes unlimited minutes, unlimited texts, 8gb data and includes the Xperia z3 for no additional cost.
Message 43 of 79

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However @Anonymous  and @Anonymous . There is no scam. if you look at it before you sign the can chose something different. No-one makes you sign....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 44 of 79

Not applicable

Again fair enough

I give up lol



OK well thanks least you've cleared it up i geuss 


Well O2 should hire the lot of you. LOL 


But erm i think some customer service skills might be needed



Well thanks though


No i mean it Thank you i aint taking the *bleep*

i feel better knowing what youve said.

and well i geuss im just going to jump straight back in when this contract is over 


Well Thanks have a nice night


and still it got a little heated in here i do want to say sorry

and again 


Message 45 of 79

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And on that note, like @viridis I shall back away. No point saying anything else...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 46 of 79

Not applicable

Just seen a box that says accept as solution


do it for lot of you


Dont want to get anyone banned


i got the wrong end of the stick simple


Z3 comment your spot on


and again 



Message 47 of 79

Not applicable

Sorry look like a no go i am afraid


Could Not Give Kudo Kudos could not be given to the message for the following reasonKudos Flood: You have exceeded the limit of 5 kudoed messages per minute.



LOL and for the last time 


Thank you

Message 48 of 79

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Glad we sorted that out wink
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 49 of 79

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Mate, seriously don't worry about kudos or solution, important thing is in the end you figured out how refresh works, even if some of it got heated and some of me acted foolish (just like the **bleep**ing filter)

Message 50 of 79