14-02-2019 15:34
Losing yourself in your favourite Netflix shows, uploading that amazing gig selfie or video from The O2, or even just trying to find your way around town – they all eat away at your mobile data allowance. We want you to get the most from your data and we know how annoying it can be if you run out, so take a look at our video below for some handy tips on how to get the most from your allowance.
This 1m 32s video will use ~10MB of data, so we recommend watching via WiFi
Click here for more info on understanding and making the most of your data. If you've got any other handy tips for making your data allowance last, let us know in the comments below.
Handy Tip: To disable videos auto-playing on your Facebook app when connected to mobile data (and help prevent high data usage), follow these steps:
1. Tap the ‘three lines’ icon 2. Settings & Privacy 3. Settings 4. Media and contacts 5. Videos and photos 6. Auto-play 7. Choose ‘On Wi-Fi Connections Only’ |
1. Tap the ‘three lines’ icon 2. Settings & Privacy 3. Settings 4. Media and contacts 5. Auto-play 6. Choose ‘On Wi-Fi Connections Only’ |
14-02-2019 17:06
14-02-2019 23:58
15-02-2019 03:31
15-02-2019 18:20
For those who use the Twitter Client for Android, these, whilst not exhaustive, can help reduce your data usage:
18-02-2019 09:27
18-02-2019 09:27
Some great data saver tips all, keep 'em coming!
If you're on Netflix or Amazon Prime and watch a lot of video on-the-go or often download via mobile data (we'd heavily recommend doing this on Wifi), you can stream and download in a lower quality which can save a HUGE amount of data.
Amazon Prime:
27-01-2022 18:31
27-01-2022 18:31
this is a great little piece of advice thank you