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Beyonce O2 Priority Tikets

Not applicable

Hi !

Been waiting since 9AM on the Waiting room to get tickets and the system is very slow.

Just scared that the same problem as the one raised earlier with Michael Buble will bounce back.

Does anyone experience the same problem here ?

Message 1 of 134
133 REPLIES 133

Not applicable

This is the same every time. Why doesn't o2 wake up and listen to her customers? This is absolutely hopeless and an insult to our intelligence. Arrange a fair ballot for popular events so that we dont all have to wasts half a day, usually in vain. I am definitely going to leave o2 because you provide poor customer service, you frequently ovecharge and you offer benefits that rarely materalise. I feel Im being taken for a mug. If you agree - vote with you wallets eveyone!!! 

Message 31 of 134

Not applicable

Dear "Leonard",


Everyone knows "there's high demand and limited availability, so not everyone will be able to get tickets." stop patronising us for gods sake we are paying customers (although not for much longer to be honest). The problem is not the high demand or limited availability, but the terrible performance of the ticketing website. Frustrating at best, it leaves a sour taste in the mouth and ultimately O2 are responsible as this is your 'offer' and my contract is with you (again, not for much longer I promise you that).

Message 32 of 134

Not applicable
So waited for an hour and a half and it now says 'Error'. So annoyed. Why plug it so heavily, and then sell them to a bunch of people who clearly aren't fans and are selling tickets on EBay? Fingers crossed for general sale. If I don't get tickets then I may cry!
Message 33 of 134

Not applicable
After 9 years of being with O2 I am absolutely livid with the service provided. The phone contracts are rubbish and this ticketing website for the Beyonce tickets have left a disgusting taste in my mouth! Absolute rubbish! The event is being held at the O2!!!!! We are long standing O2 customers!!!!! I get the low availability of tickets but when the website issues error messages after having been sat in the queue for almost 2 hours it's enough to make you want to smash a computer to pieces!!! GET IT RIGHT O2 OR FADE INTO INSIGNIFICANCE LIKE SO MANY OTHERS!!!! THIS IS A RECESSION!!!!! O2 TALK OR MONEY WALKS!!!
Message 34 of 134

Not applicable

Then maybe Leonard you could send all of the comments from frustrated O2 'PRIORITY' customers to your technical team also!  Clearly there is a problem with your waiting room if someone who has just come onto the site 20 minutes ago has tickets over someone who entered the waiting room at 9am...and is still waiting!  And if there are also tickets on ebay and your loyal 02 'PRIORITY' customer have have a customer service problem!

Message 35 of 134

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:
So waited for an hour and a half and it now says 'Error'. So annoyed. Why plug it so heavily, and then sell them to a bunch of people who clearly aren't fans and are selling tickets on EBay? Fingers crossed for general sale. If I don't get tickets then I may cry!

Perhaps O2 should do a Beyonce quiz to those looking to buy to prove they're fans? wink


But I do agree - the eBay thing is annoying and I hope it is looked into because, as you say, it means real fans aren't getting their hands on tickets.


This Beyonce gig has proven to be really popular! And as such, a lot of customers are unable to get their hands on some tickets after waiting in the queues, which is quite frustrating for them. Hopefully they're lucky enough at general sales slight_smile


However, if there are any concerns about the way it is handled then it is good to post that in this thread because then it can be fedback how O2 can better manage it in future as they continue to bring you tickets for the biggest UK concerts 2 days before anyone else.

Message 36 of 134

Not applicable

Why does everyone keep putting my name in quotes? slight_smile


Flymored, the problem is really is the high demand. For example, yesterday I was watching the stream for the PS4 release and that didn't work well due to the high demand. I'm trying to help, give you the most direct routes and explain the problem - sorry you feel that's patronising. 


The Priority Moments team are in direct contact with our Twitter team, so that really is the best place to get your information. Just to reitterate, some tickets are still available and the waiting room will refresh. You could try refreshing the page, you won't lose your place in the queue




Message 37 of 134

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You knew there was going to be high demand as it was advertised everywhere yet your IT infrastructure clearly cannot cope. Absolute joke!
Message 38 of 134

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Absolute pile of c**p! Clicked on the links for Manchester at 9:30am on the dot and still no luck. Used my phone and laptop with two different browsers and refreshed the page for each date every few seconds. Every time I finally got to the "add to cart" option I just got an error message. Ridiculous, all that effort and now they are sold out! To who?? Ebay ticket touts! I want that 90 minutes of my life back please O2! Why do ticket sites ALWAYS fail when there's a big event on? You think they'd have learnt to prepare for it in this day and age. Will try my luck in the general sale on Saturday and no doubt be in the same boat as I am now.
Tip for O2, unless you can guarantee good results from your partners then please don't promote this nonsense as a benefit to your cusomers.
Message 39 of 134

Not applicable

Opium are you trying to wind people up with that ' everythings good in the O2 world" happy post? If so you are succeeding...


"Leonard" - my problem IS NOT THE HIGH DEMAND! Are you listening to your customer here? My problem is the lack of performance of the website. I would have accepted being in the waiting room until all tickets were sold, although obviously disappointed I understand there are both HIGH DEMAND AND LIMITED TICKET AVAILABILITY. I cannot accept the performance of the website check my first post on this topic for the description.


Do you get it now?

Message 40 of 134