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htc phone, no 3g, bad phone reception + phone says I have no memory space

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I have been with 02 for ages and always been happy, I got a HTC around 6months ago and have been dissapointed about everything. 


I rarely can use the 3G. It either doesnt work at all or will take around 5min to load a web page. If I stand next to some also on 02 they will be able to load a web page in secounds where as mine will normally not load anything. I had to remove most of my apps as you need a a 3g connection and mine doesn't work so pointless using FB, Twitter ect.


My phone reception is awful, I cant get any reception at home and all my voice mails come through as just broken up noise. Again I never used to have any problem with 02 reception at home and my wife uses 02 and has perfect reception.


My phone has  88.72 MB free storage & SD card has 871.38 MB free, however I am unable to download anything, even if its only 5MB as a message comes up and says I have ran out of storage and to swith to my SD card or delet items. I have changed to my SD storage and it still doesnt work. 


The bing search on the phone doesn't work peroid. Since having the phone I have never once been able to load and page using the internet in this way. 


All together bad internet, bad phone reception and no phone storage, pretty much makes my phone a paper weight. I have been into two 02 shops and have been told my internet had not been set up and been told its been fixed, however it still doesnt work. 


What can anyone suggest as its driving me crazy! 





Message 1 of 15

Accepted Solutions

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Yay fixed it. I typed in instead of Thanks for helping. Got any ideas about the phone storage? Lol

View solution in original post

Message 14 of 15

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Which HTC phone?
Let's start with data issue - Do you get a G, 3G, or H symbol at the top of the screen?
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 15

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Hi thanks for the reply. 


Its a HTC 8s Windows phone


My phone has displayed all symbols and even when on H the internet will not work or it will be very slow. For example if someone txt me or send's a pic over WhatsApp my phone will take around 3min to download the pic or sometimes wont until I connect to Wi-Fi  

Message 3 of 15

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Ok, so that's not a bad phone at all although it does only have 4Gb of internal storage.
But to stay with the data issue, check your network apn settings and see what is set please.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 4 of 15

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Ok I think you may be onto something. If I go to my phone settings and click on theadd internet apn button it shows that all the fields including the apn section as blank. Its the same for the mms add apn section
Message 5 of 15

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OK, add the following:


Name - o2 mobile web

(also tick the box that says "make this my current APN")

APN - (if PAYG -

Proxy, Proxy Port - Please leave blank

Username - o2web (if PAYG - payandgo)

Password - password

The second stage of the configuration is to get your Multimedia messaging configured, fill in the settings below to get up and running. You can find this by continuing to scroll down the page of settings. 

MMS APN - (if PAYG -

Proxy address -

Proxy Port - 8080

Username, Password - Please leave blank

MMSC Address -

Tap save (small button with a Disk icon at the bottom)

Press the confirm icon.

Press the Home key to return to standby mode.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 6 of 15

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Ok I have done ask mentioned and turned my phone off and on again. I have checked and the details are still there. Currently my phone is displaying H for network. Tried to search for Google, page displayed "We cant display this page at the moment Error Can not find server or DNS error" This is what I normally get. Tried got the same response. Think there is something very wrong with my phone. By the way thanks for your time.
Message 7 of 15

Level 94: Supreme
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Either phone or account is wrong.
Have you used all your data (long shot I know :))
Check with CS that account is correctly provisioned. Check network status (although as others are working OK it's a long shot too)
Take out sim card and give it a quick clean....
Take a large hammer and smash phone into small pieces. Note, this won't fix it but you will feel much better afterwards wink
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 8 of 15

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I came across few similar threads, customers complaining about similar issues with their htc phones

if your phone is under warranty, it might be worth to have it looked at as you might get it repaired 

Message 9 of 15

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Mmmm...a hammer you say.

Well that is the strange thing, though I cant use the internet, after only a few days when my allowance is reset I get a txt saying that my allowance has ran out. I get 100mb a month, but dont use the internet at all as I know it doesnt work so not sure whats going on. Think I make take that hammer into an 02 store and see if I can get something sorted. Thanks very much for your time.

Message 10 of 15