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Winter time!

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Hi everyone, 

Screen Shot 2018-11-28 at 15.10.41.pngWinter time in the UK can be a miserable affair with Near perpetual darkness, wind, sideways rain and damp feet. expressionless


It can be a bit of a grind getting through the long, dark months so we'd love to hear your tips and tricks for coping with the winter! 


So, what are your coping methods for the winter? Do you have any routines that get you through? What time of year do you click the heating on or do you quite enjoy the winter like me? astonished 

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Message 1 of 26

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The heating is only ever on between December and March (and even then only sparingly) why make the fat cats fatter? I'm always in shorts, so if I'm that cold then I'll stick a layer on and wrap up under the quilt. I think I've only worn something on my legs 3x this year and I don't intend to change that anytime soon!

As for the weather, I love the snow and ice. Mountain biking becomes a whole new game. Plenty of falling off, dodging obstacles hidden by the snow..
But it also means the wildlife can be seen more clearly against the white/frosty scenery. We have a lot of breeds of deer round these parts and a ground nesting bird called the 'Nightjar' There's very rarely a ride where someone doesn't end up face down trying to avoid the wildlife.. Painful, funny and magical moments!
Message 2 of 26

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I no longer work, so getting there isn't a 'daily grind' for me.

We have bird feeders in the garden so keep those topped up.


Although a summer person , I do love the snow (when it's just fallen, NOT when it goes slushy and dirty)


Our heating goes on when I get cold. There is no argument about that nowadays.

We have a small window on ground level in the conservatory for the cats to get in and out. It's never closed, so you can imagine when the wind gets up, it does whip through the house.


Other than that, I read a lot, and watch good TV. All the best programmes seem to start late Autumn/winter

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 26

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Winter is actually a good time for me as I receive the bulk of my annual income during the winter months so I don’t worry too much about the heating costs. I do have a smart thermostat so I can adjust the heating on the move if I’m out or if I want the house heating up before I get home


My heating first went on in October I think and will probably be on until March time

Message 4 of 26

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Hi @Martin-O2


Not a winter person.  Crisp and cold is ok wrap up for going out. Damp and dingy have to put up with but

try not to be too miserable about it.  Heating went on November and probably through to March, it is always on at a reasonable temperature. I have a heated throw which I find absolutely wonderful.  If I feel chilly or if not feeling well,  I plug this blanket in (it has variable temperature settings) and put it over me when I am sitting on my chair. This is better than turning up the temperature in the house. I have table lamps all economical with led bulbs these light up the rooms and the light in the hall is on, so it is always cosy and welcoming.grin




Message 5 of 26

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A cold dry day is actually quite nice when you can put the hat, scarf and gloves on etc.  It's the rain/sleet I don't like. 


Give me summer every time tho. I'm a sun person LOL


Message 6 of 26

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I'm also a summer person definitely. I really really dislike winter, I tend to get a bit down during the darker days so need a lot of bright lights when I'm at home to "re-charge". I'm also one of those people who seem to be always cold so I have heating on pretty much all the time now (apart from when not in the flat) and sometimes in the evenings even during late spring and early autumn.

It doesn't help that my cat Arthur likes to rip out the window insulations, so there's a bit of a draft in the living room.

Message 7 of 26

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Because I'm a night rather than a day person, I love the winter months and the early nights. Don't mind the cold because you can always wrap up warm. But I'm not keen on the dreary, grey days like we're having at the moment. Cold, crisp and sunny preferred.


Not keen on snow because it means I can't get out and about. Can't risk my footing when it's icy and slippery under foot. It does look pretty though when it first covers the trees and rooftops. Like looking out at the snow but not actually having to walk in it. 


I HATE summer, particularly  if it's hot and sticky. I'm unwell in such weather with no energy to do anything. Don't want to eat and can't sleep. Can't get comfortable no matter how little I'm wearing. 


I don't mind Spring or Autumn as they are more comfortable months temperature wise. 


In winter, I only have my heater on when I feel cold to the point of being uncomfortable. And then only as long as it takes for me to be comfortably warm, and then I turn it off. If it gets too warm, I feel ill like I do in summer.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 8 of 26

Not applicable

I don't like Winter except on those bright blue sky days, crisp & cold when I can wrap up warm

I do like to get out each day as the days are long otherwise ... it's a good thing for me there is a very nice bar in a hotel about 10 minutes walk from my home along the canal tow path ... I meet up with a small group of good friends most afternoons of the year & we help each other through the 'dark' times ... we're like a small family smiling

The grey, dismal dour days make me down so I wrap up in a fluffy onezie in my home & have background heating on which helps me breathe - if too hot I'm uncomfortable

I snuggle up in bed with my cat Marty & listen to Radio 4 

Message 9 of 26

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Been out on the bike most of the day, my knee is throbbing but there's nothing like riding around this beautiful country of ours with the wind in your face, in the company of good friends enjoying a brew and a flapjack at every stop.
I love this land!
Message 10 of 26