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Chester The Cat

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Last Saturday I adopted a cat because

  • I saw a post from Cat Friends of Hyndburn
  • I was really touched by his sorry story
  • I was wanting a cat and he wanted his own home
  • I've decided that I'm unlikely to go back to Thailand so wouldn't have to leave him without a home again

This is the original story I came across :



🧡 Chester - the forgotten cat 🧡

Wouldn’t you think that after being on the streets for so long, - neglected and with every day a struggle to survive - Chester would have completely lost faith in humans?

Not so. It’s amazing how stoic, resilient and forgiving our beautiful furry friends are. Here is Chester after a week in foster care. He’s possibly the most affectionate, loving and gentle cat we’ve ever had the privilege of caring for.

On Thursday, Chester had all his fur taken off at the vets, apart from his face and legs (the only bits of him not matted). He had his first vaccination, had his gungey ears cleaned out and was microchipped to Cat Friends of Hyndburn. Last week he was also flea and worm treated. The full works 😻

We did buy him a jumper to keep his skinny little body warm but, in true independent cat style, he managed to wriggle his booty out of it on the first night 😻

Chester was probably resigned to living the life of a street cat but thanks to every one of you who donated to his care, we were able to help out the rescue that found him by taking him in and funding his treatment.

We will let you into a secret. Just like all the other rescues who were probably approached to take Chester in, Cat Friends didn’t have any spare funds either. We simply knew that our loyal, caring Cat Friends would come to the rescue and, if not, we would work that bit harder to make sure we could rescue him ♥️♥️

Chester would like to thank you all from the very bottom of his furry ginger boots for giving him the chance of a new life, where he will be loved and treasured for the rest of his days ♥️♥️

Oh, did we forget to mention? Chester’s homecheck has been passed today ♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️

I got in touch with them and had  to fill in an initial application form and a few days later a home visit was arranged to check if it was suitabe for a cat and to see if I was a responsible person to look after him.
So, although I expected maybe a couple of weeks before I got him, if indeed I was to get him, they brought him to my home a few days later. They had brought him with his own little coat to keep him warm because his fur had been shaved off. That is apart from his head, his boots and his tail. Honestly, he looks like a minature poodle!joycat
This is the jacket he has:
Image may contain: cat
He eats like a horse and won't leave my lap when I'm in watching TV, which makes eating, drinking and typing a little difficult to say the least!
Hopefully it won't be too long until his fur grows back but in the meantime I won't be letting him out so as to stop all the other cats laughing at him rofl
Some photos I took today:
Chester 18.01.20206.jpg
Chester 18.01.20201.jpg
Chester 18.01.20208.jpg
As he grows I will update on his progress smiling

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No I don't like the sphinx cat @gmarkj . They look rather weird to me.....Also you have to be very careful with them in the sun...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 21 of 139

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@Cleoriff@jonsie yes progress pics of the hair growing back please! smile


@gmarkj The Sphynx cat's do have certain charm. Far less hovering needed for one! joy

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Message 22 of 139

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What a cutie, @jonsie, congratulations! heart_eyes

I'm so happy you found such an amazing new roommate, and Chester the best home he could have hoped for. star


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Message 23 of 139

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Hi @EmilieT 

Lovely to hear from you. I hope you are missing us as much as we are missing you?kissing_heart

The forum has been broken for the last 3 days...Sad state of affairs. rofl

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 24 of 139

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Would never have happened on Emilie's watch tongue
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Message 25 of 139

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@MI5 wrote:
Would never have happened on Emilie's watch tongue


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 26 of 139

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@MI5 wrote:
Would never have happened on Emilie's watch tongue

Dead right @MI5 


Great to hear from you @EmilieT 

Hope you are well.

When are you coming back? We`ve all missed ya 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 28 of 139

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@EmilieT wrote:

What a cutie, @jonsie, congratulations! heart_eyes

Hi! Did you think the forum had died because all your e-mails had stopped? 🤔


Yeah, me too, a coupla days ago 🤣


Good to see you dropping by, @EmilieT

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@MI5 wrote:
Would never have happened on Emilie's watch tongue



@Cleoriff @jonsie @pgn @Mi-Amigo I miss you guys as well, I've just been really busy but I'll try to pop by more often, I promise hugging I've got a lot of catching up to do, you've all been up to so much!

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