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❤️ 💔 One Sentence Valentines Love Story ❤️ 💔

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                                           ❤️💔One Sentence Love Story ❤️ 💔



Morning everyone. ❤️

It's that time of year when a One Sentence Love Story is due, as it's the feast of St Valentine. This time it's a story about unrequited love, passion and betrayal, so please feel free to use the power of your imagination when you join in. The idea is, someone writes a sentence (or a short para) following on from the one before

I will then attempt to make a full story out of it at the very end. 😂

I'm hoping, @Mi-Amigo @pgn @TallTrees @gmarkj @J9el @MI5 @LukasB @TheresaV @RafaC ,@lewys-gp  and anyone else will join in the 'fun' 😂


I've set the scene so away we go.....


OSS Broken heart 3.jpg 


Maxine was a beautiful girl. A real head turner. She was also insane.

No-one knew this as she behaved so normally. Her colleagues at work found her to be hard working although a little shy.


Maxine hated these colleagues. All female and forever talking about their love lives. It was even worse this week as Valentine's Day was approaching. All the talk was about the presents they were expecting, the plans for meals out and the magical trips away.


Maxine didn't join in as she wasn't in a relationship. Nothing ever lasted with her boyfriends. However Maxine was going to change all that.

She had downloaded some dating app sites to her phone, Tinder, OK Cupid and Clover.


Yesterday she found three men who appealed to her. They all had different interests and Maxine thought she had a better chance of finding THE one.

She very carefully arranged to meet them all at different times allocating 2 hrs each…unless of course she found THE one.


John would be first. Meeting for coffee at the local Costa. He claimed to be an IT geek

Paul was 2nd on the list. He said he loved sports. Maxine had arranged a picnic in the park.

Finally there was George. He said he was studying English and Poetry. A few drinks in a local bar, then who knew?


Maxine got dressed and knew she looked stunning.

She packed her bag with some favourite things and set off to meet John.

He was on time and waiting in the café. Maxine thought he looked very presentable, smart suit, clean shaven and quite good looking. She sat down and John was smitten at her beauty…..




Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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Thanks to everyone who took part. I'll post the whole story in a few minutes.

However, despite the valiant efforts of @Mi-Amigo @TallTrees @J9el and one liner @pgn I have to say, this will be the last One Sentence Story (from me anyway). They were a lot of fun to do but I think they have now lost their novelty. Less people are taking part which proves they are no longer as popular as they once were.

I think it needs to go out on a high and this will be it. Thanks everyone for your support in the past. ❤️

Final completed story to follow. xxx

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 51 of 63

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Brilliant @Cleoriff 

Thank you for planning and running this Love One Sentence Story.

It was good to see @TallTrees @J9el and @pgn taking part. Shame a few more couldn`t join in.

As everyone knows, I enjoy these OSS, which for me are always a highlight of these festive events.

It will be a sad day indeed if this is the last OSS. If that is the case, then it did indeed end on a high with a clever and well-thought out storyline.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 52 of 63

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See my post above @Mi-Amigo x

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 53 of 63

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Well done all.

It is very difficult with too few joining the story.

I liked the addition of kick boxing!

Ghost too was great. 

Thanks @Cleoriff 



Message 54 of 63

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The story in full....


Maxine was a beautiful girl. A real head turner. She was also insane.

No-one knew this as she behaved so normally. Her colleagues at work found her to be hard working although a little shy.


Maxine hated these colleagues. All female and forever talking about their love lives. It was even worse this week as Valentine's Day was approaching. All the talk was about the presents they were expecting, the plans for meals out and the magical trips away.


Maxine didn't join in as she wasn't in a relationship. Nothing ever lasted with her boyfriends. However Maxine was going to change all that.

She had downloaded some dating app sites to her phone, Tinder, OK Cupid and Clover.


Yesterday she found three men who appealed to her. They all had different interests and Maxine thought she had a better chance of finding THE one.

She very carefully arranged to meet them all at different times allocating 2 hrs each…unless of course she found THE one.


John would be first. Meeting for coffee at the local Costa. He claimed to be an IT geek

Paul was 2nd on the list. He said he loved sports. Maxine had arranged a picnic in the park.

Finally there was George. He said he was studying English and Poetry. A few drinks in a local bar, then who knew?


Maxine got dressed and knew she looked stunning.

She packed her bag with some favourite things and set off to meet John.

He was on time and waiting in the café. Maxine thought he looked very presentable, smart suit, clean shaven and quite good looking. She sat down and John was smitten at her beauty


Maxine and John took their cups of coffee outside overlooking the river, and sat opposite each other. Maxine thought John looked presentable in his smart suit... "Boyfriend material" she thought.

John asked Maxine "What do you do?" but before she could answer, John continued "I work in IT. I love it." John then reached into the inside pocket of his jacket...

"OMG" thought Maxine "He`s bought me a present"

John pulled out the lastest hi-tech smart phone and placed it on the table between them. "I`m waiting for the latest update for my phone" said John "It`s going to be awesome... We`ve had customers begging for it... It`s got lots of games, too, so we could play together if you load the app on your phone.... " 

Maxine found it hard to concentrate on what he was saying. It was though his voice was fading into the distance…


Maxine was shocked, he had no interest in HER just his damn phone. Just then his phone rang and......


.. John broke away from continuing to tell Maxine about the latest tech problems he had been solving at work and grabbed his ringing phone off the table and said "I must take this".

John got up from the table, turned his back on Maxine, and walked towards the river`s edge with his phone clenched to his ear.

Maxine reached into her bag and took out a long-bladed knife. She got up from the table and walked briskly to John and plunged the knife into his back between his shoulder blades. Maxine seethed "It was bad enough listening to all that geeky talk but no-one turns their back on me. Let that be a lesson to you, John. Bye".

Maxine then pushed John`s now dead body over the low wall and it fell with a splosh into the river...


and Susie John's "other girl friend" was asking how it was going and did he get the APP yet?

Maxine was furious but holding it together 


Then John`s phone, which he had dropped after being stabbed, rang with two more messages - one from Rose and the other from Valerie - asking how his date was going...

Maxine yelled "Three girls phoning him ?? The two-timing toe-rag"


Unfortunately for Susie, Maxine's red mist had descended, and all Susie could hear was a splosh as the phone entered the water with John..


Maxine grinned as she left the water-side cafe and ....


Bye Bye shouted Maxine and stormed off!

Thinking well Paul may be a better bet


Enough of boring IT she thought. A very fast end to him, So I best go and prepare the picnic for my next date.


Wow! Dead John now floating in water and everyone in the cafe was panicking

call the police one shouted, but Maxine continued to walk away. Getting into her car she drove off still thinking about Paul and what she was going to encounter there.


Paul looked really excited to see beautiful Maxine. She looked gorgeous and totally unaware of the furore going on at the cafe!


She strode into the park, excited to meet sporty Paul. There were many sporty people around, some jogging, some playing tennis and some playing football. However, her eyes were drawn to a tall, striking looking male wearing a full Plymouth Argyle football kit and riding in circles on a Penny Farthing……they looked at each other. ‘Paul’ she mouthed. ‘Yes’ he mouthed back…’are you Maxine?’


When she arrived at the park, Paul had already laid out a blanket, table cloth and food for the picnic.

"How kind" thought Maxine "I`ll just add food from my hamper to what Paul`s laid out".

Maxine liked the look of Paul - tall, muscular, and rugged - and thought "Oh I`m gonna have fun with Paul".

She introduced herself and sat down on the blanket....


Paul rested his Penny Farthing Bike on a near by tree. He joined Maxine, he wasn't sure she was sporty though so thought up a few Sporty things for her to do


However, little did Paul know that Maxine was an accomplished kick boxer and had represented the UK in many tournaments…..


Paul decided he would to try and find out what Maxine`s sporting interests were, so Paul asked Maxine -

"Are you a good sport ?" "What ?!" shouted Maxine, blushing slightly…


Paul was "showing off" again riding his Penny Farthing with one leg!

She thought I'll show him.  Come down here and we'll "go sporty"

Paul got down and ran over to Maxine when all of a sudden she threw

her leg into the air just clipping his ear


Paul fell off the Penny Farthing and Maxine said come here and eat some of this lovely picnic and we can talk about sport


Paul asked Maxine "Have you been watching the Six Nations Rugby ? I like watching the hookers... "

"What is going on?" thought Maxine "Paul asked me if I`m a good sport; and says he likes watching hookers. I`m not that kind of girl!"....


Cheeky thing! You deserve ~

Maxine stepped back and threw out a kick (bit like a donkey) hit Paul straight in the face and two 

teeth dropped out.


Paul, with a bloody mouth full of scotch egg, spluttered, what the hell's going on? I thought you liked sport and picnics…


Maxine was in a confused mood, in the distance she could hear the Police Car sirens.

Time to leave she thought - grabbing some picnic delights, Paul tripped her up and growled


Stay with me...Look we have enough bread here we can feed the ducks....Good idea said Maxine. conscious of the sirens in the distance...... so they got up, crumbled the bread and walked to the river.


Stay! she thought after kicking your teeth out!

While Maxine was getting the bread for the ducks ~ Paul attacked her saying you are a 

devil and deserve to die, brandishing the carving knife. Maxine raced off Paul just got her in the arm

and she was bleeding down her arm then…


Paul grabbed a handful of bread and reached over the barrier to feed the ducks.

Maxine reached into her bag and took out a revolver with silencer fitted. Taking aim, she shot Paul in the back and he fell forwards into the river - scaring off the ducks...

Bad enough, you asking me those dirty questions, Paul. I might have forgiven you for that... and then cutting my arm... But one thing no man does is turn his back on me. Now yours has a hole in it. Bye"


Maxine wrapped the tablecloth from the picnic round her arm to stop the bleeding then put her coat on top to hide it.... She was furious that he had attacked her that way...SHE was the one who attacked, not a sporty idiot who rode a Penny Farthing. Still, she won that battle in the end! Pfffttt!!


Maxine glanced down at her watch and realised it wasn`t long before she was to meet her third date - George - in a local pub and wondered what he would be like…


Maxine could hear the police car's sirens were very close now so she ran off to her car, leaving a blood trail. Good that blood is red for Valentine's day. Leaving behind another dead body for the Police to clear up


Maxine stopped at a local chemist and bought a bandage for her arm and drove on to the pub. She went into the toilets to clean up the wound and bandage her arm. She headed out into the bar and bought herself a stiff drink while age waited for George to turn up.

She didn`t have to wait long before George appeared.... 


He was gorgeous looking, rather languid, with longish hair. He was wearing a velvet jacket adding to his mystical charm…


"George looks like a hippy" thought Maxine, smiling at him, and carried on thinking "I love 60s music. Oh George, you could be the one". She asked him "Are you George? I`m Maxine. Let me buy you a drink" and they settled down together in a cosy corner of the pub....


George had brought Maxine a large box of Chocolates with a bow on the top and a bunch of Red Roses.

Oh said Maxine thank you so much. (Thinks that's better)

Two drinks arrive and the conversation about English and Poetry begins

George says


"I`m studying English and poetry. I write songs and play the guitar".

Maxine imagined George writing a song for her and playing it to her... 


Don't you just love Keats and Wordsworth George drawled....there again a bit of Poe is frighteningly good..

He started to give a poetic lesson to Maxine, which went on and on...


With George mentioning Poe, Maxine`s mind turned to remembering the lyrics "Man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe" from "I Am The Walrus" and, smiling to herself, thought "Yes, George you are my little hippy"...

Smitten by George, Maxine, completely out of her usual character, said "George, why don`t we grab a bottle of wine and go back to mine ?"..


With George mentioning Poe, Maxine`s mind turned to remembering the lyrics "Man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe" from "I Am The Walrus" and, smiling to herself, thought "Yes, George you are my little hippy"...

Smitten by George, Maxine, completely out of her usual character, said "George, why don`t we grab a bottle of wine and go back to mine ?"...


Sounds good said George and off they went with George showing off rather a lot, spouting poetry as they walked along. Maxine found herself getting bored...and a red mist started to descend as he wasn't paying attention to her at all really


Yes said George and you can pick up your passport because I have got two valentines day tickets to Barbados leaving tonight! 

Oh said Maxine perfect let's go now, George said


as he took hold of Maxine`s hand - and her heart missed a beat for a second or so - "Come with me. Look at the moon reflected in the water of the river". 

George gently pulled Maxine to the edge of the river.... 


A red mist appeared, it couldn't be helped. Maxine reached into her bag and pulled a silver hammer. Bang bang went the hammer into the back of Georges head. Roses are red, Violets are blue, poetry is dead and so are you Maxine screamed…


Maxine wiped her hands on the bandage around her arm and walked off.

"Another miserable day" thought Maxine "and I thought I was gonna find love. Oh well


OMG said Maxine what happened

I was going to Barbados with George two valentines day tickets leaving this evening.



The trouble with red 

It is for the devil

and Roses

Valentine's day

Am I  a devil


A Valentine

Three dead lovers or am I dreaming?


Shuffling in from the sidelines, head in hands, appeared a ghost, if not the spirit, of ex-lover Number 2…

Actually Maxine Edison was delighted with her days work. She may not have got a boyfriend but she had achieved something better than her brother Maxwell. He had been caught and charged with murder and was now in prison. This proved she was better than him.
Who needs men, when killing them brought so much joy?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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Just finally for this story in particular, I need to thank @Mi-Amigo 

The concept came from him. Due to other things going on, I really couldn't get my brain kickstarted to think of any ideas for this story. 😂

It really was a joint effort and so, I DO thank everyone who has entered the spirit and fun of all OSS, this one was @Mi-Amigo's idea.   Thanks once again, @TallTrees @J9el and @pgn (sorry you were ill today) xx

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 56 of 63

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Thank you for the mention @Cleoriff .

It was an honour and a privilege to play a part in OSS.

Although I did suggest the storyline, this OSS would not have been possible without the enormous amount of time and effort that @Cleoriff put in - not least the detail of the characters, the intro, and the ending, without which the story would not be as it is. 

All of the One Sentence Stories will always be remembered as @Cleoriff `s.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

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Got to say @Cleoriff 

It did make reasonable sense after all!

Well done in getting that load of "gobbledygook" together!




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Well done, all @Cleoriff @TallTrees @Mi-Amigo @pgn @J9el ❤️💔


"Who needs men, when killing them brought so much joy?" - a perfect ending 🤔😂. So sorry to hear that this may be the final One Sentence Story, @Cleoriff, but an amazing read and a great one to go out on. Thank you for your efforts.

Community Manager for the O2 Community 🙂
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Thanks for doing this @Cleoriff, I really enjoyed reading the finished story - as @lewys-gp said, a great ending. Really glad to have taken part.


Well done everyone!

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