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Using tech to watch gigs/events? (Online/streamed/VR etc)

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Hi guys,


Most of us have probably watched a concert or event either live on TV or as a recording in the past. I've bought a couple of DVDs from my favourite artists in concert some years ago and watched on my TV screen in my living room.

With emerging tech however, there's now increasingly varied ways of "attending" a gig without even being present at the venue itself.

I wanted to ask you guys if you have any experiences with (or interest in) any alternative ways of attending gigs and how you found the experience! Smiley Happy


Have you for example....

  • Watched a gig through a live feed (or a recorded version) on YouTube or Social Media on your computer?
  • Followed a gig on your smartphone?
  • Have you come across any apps that allow you to follow gigs?
  • Watched a gig via a VR headset?
  • Followed a gig in another "alternative" way I didn't mention above?
  • Any wishes for future tech developments that would bring an even more better/immersive ways to attend a gig remotely, in terms of visuals and audio?


I'd love to hear about your thoughts on this in the comments below. Smiley Happy


Message 1 of 7

Level 67: Unsung hero
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I have watched some of a festival (cannot remember which) through the BBC red button - meaning I could choose which stage to watch.
Other than that, no.
I used to work with someone who watched part of a performance using a VR headset. He said that it was really good, but it was dependant on the performance being recorded in high enough definition for the VR to work.

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Message 2 of 7

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@gmarkj I'm a bit late to the party, sorry 🤭


That's quite interesting that you were able to chose which stage to watch when you watch the stream of a festival on the BBC, very convenient and gives a lot of flexibility to the viewer! 


I'd love to try using a VR headset for a gig, like your colleague tried once. I would have assumed that all gigs recorded for VR vieweing would be in a high enough definition, I guess it's something still relatively new so everyone is learning on the go how to optimise this type of experience. Would you be interested in trying it if you could? More for a gig, or for a festival?

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Message 3 of 7

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Yes, they have to be recorded in at least full HD (1080i) or above. I think they tend to default now to 4K.
He said that while it was really good, he could only watch it for a little while (<30 minutes) at a time as it was sending his eyes funny.
I wouldn't mind either, so long as you got to choose the act/stage as with the BBC offering.

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Message 4 of 7

Level 47: Going Places
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Well I`m definitely late clock Only "found" this thanks to link by @EmilieT on another thread thumbsup


I don`t go to gigs any more - for health reasons - and don`t have smart phone or apps for live feeds but do enjoy "live" concerts on the tv even if the actually shown later, or checking out live concerts from way back on Youtube.


You are so right to say that there are ways that all of us can still enjoy gigs (and I went to so many in my youth and not so younger days) we can no longer get too slight_smile


Girl in a jacket

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Robert Kennedy.

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@gmarkj  Oh I see ... I haven't had a chance to use a VR headset for more than 10 minutes at a time so far myself, but I can imagine that might take some use to for the eyes. nerd


@Mi-Amigo There are definitely ways to enjoy gigs for those who can't attend, whether it's because of health, geographical, or personal reasons. You mention you watch concert recordings on TV sometimes, do you also buy DVDs for some gigs sometimes?

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Message 6 of 7

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Just seen this thread and read back.

@gmarkjI think the festival you are talking about on BBC is Glastonbury. 

They show various stages/acts on BBC 1, 2, 3 and 4.


I always record it for my son so he can see the acts he missed, whilst watching others on a different stage.

As you know, if you are there you can't possibly see every act (unless you are in a time capsule) wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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