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Forum Posts

FAQs: My O2

Hi all, welcome to the My O2 board! If you need advice on My O2, this is the place you can post your question to and get replies from other customers. In case your question relates to My O2 Business, you might also find some helpful information in ou...

EmilieT by Former Staff
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Hi hope you can when I started this account it's was £10 a month now its £11.73 why I've only had it a month and you put it up all ready???

Nicco71 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! VAT

I have always had a breakdown showing vat , why has this stopped ?

GRAHAM51 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Account

Hi, I have tried logging into my account however it won’t let me so I am unsure what to do, I am behind on 1 of my payments and I need to log in to pay it but it won’t let me log in to my account

Resolved! Deposit Refund

Hai I’m Sahithi Reddy I have paid 575 as a initial payment as I don’t have credit score and I will have to get refund after my 3 payments but till now I didn’t get refund when I expect? thanks and regards

Virgin by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! my top up

I have a problem in the topup

Topups by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! O2 app

Hi I can no longer sign into there app it’s says that it isn’t available

Can't checkout on upgrade page

Hi, I am trying to checkout my basket to upgrade but it just keeps refreshing the page and does not let me checkout. Thanks in advance

Codona95 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Vat bill

Could i please have a vat bill  this is a business phone

AC61 by Level 1: Joiner
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