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Vodafone & EE - Complaints On The Rise

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People complaining about phone companies (and Pay TV) are on the up, with Vodafone and EE topping the unenviable pile of most complained-about companies in the field.

Ofcom have said that it was “disappointing” to see a rise in the number of complaints (between July and September) after figures looked to be decreasing. When it comes to landlines, EE and Plusnet got the most complaints, thanks to complaint handling, faults, service issues, and problems with changing supplier.
BT, Post Office HomePhone and TalkTalk also generated landline complaints above the industry average of 17 per 100,00 customers.
When it comes to complaining about fixed line broadband, EE came out on top again, while BT and Plusnet saw a hike in complaints. Talk Talk remained higher than the industry average too.
With mobile providers, Vodafone were the most complained about (again), seeing their numbers increasing from 14 complaints to 20 per 100,000 customers. This was mainly concerning billing, charges, pricing, faults with the service, and complaints handling. At least you can say Vodafone a thorough when it comes to irritating their customers.
The only other mobile provider to generate more complaints than the industry average were EE, with Tesco Mobile getting the lowest.
Regarding complaints about pay TV, BT angered the most people, with their volume of complaints increasing significantly from 11 per 100,000 customers to 25. Performing best, were Sky.
Claudio Pollack, director of Ofcom’s content and consumer group, said: “We expect providers to make customer service and complaints handling top priorities, so it’s disappointing to see a rise in the number of complaints. Consumers have a right to expect good service and will rightfully complain when that standard isn’t met.”
“Ofcom is continuing work to make switching easier and our complaints data allows consumers to make meaningful comparisons that can be useful when looking for a new provider.”
Current Phone: Sony Xperia XZ Premium
Message 1 of 23

Not applicable

I've just moved over from Vodafone.

Absolute disaster from beginning to end!

Message 11 of 23

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Don't talk to me about Voda - I couldn't wait to get out of there !
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 12 of 23

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Not applicable

3G issues from start to end,their excuse was it was constant maintenance and it would improve. Promised credits and then never applied them. When I chased it up they said it wasn't enforceable and I wouldn't get them. 


Eventually offered a penalty free cancellation which changed from being free to costing £700 to being free to costing £700 and so on so forth. 3 months it took for it to finally be granted. Took a further week and a half to clear the account of the £700 balance they threw on and couldn't understand why. 24 hours it would be sorted was the constant war cry.


Billing issues, misapplied discounts etc.... just a mess from beginning to end.

Message 14 of 23

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Hope you get a better experience here slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 15 of 23

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Welcome to the forum anyway @Anonymous. Hope your O2 experience is better than with Voda. wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 16 of 23

Not applicable

Ah thanks very much!

Things are going very well so far slight_smile

Message 17 of 23

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Our forum is better too slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 18 of 23

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@Anonymous wrote:

Ah thanks very much!

Things are going very well so far slight_smile

Vastly superior forum here anyway tongue

. No question too big or too small....and hopefully a few laughs along the way...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 19 of 23

Level 94: Supreme
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@MI5 wrote:
Our forum is better too slight_smile

Oh blumming snap....Bouncy

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 20 of 23