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Upcoming discussions & feedback

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Hi all!


I hope you are all doing well. Cat Happy

Thanks for all of your views on here around the rewards program, forum structure and content, among other features. It is clear there are some frustrations, as well as some great ideas emerging. We want to try and address as many as we can and have discussions about certain topics so that we can move forward in a constructive way.

Here are a few things we are reviewing:



  • We are looking into what kind of activities are needed for each level of rewards. This includes making sure certain helpful actions are favoured even more than they are now, to represent as much quality as possible when we reward members.
  • We are also looking into potential options of donating rewards to charity. This will be a long-term goal though, as we have not done this before in the network; we will do research into options.
  • The monthly rewards announcement might go through some changes - rewards are personal for each member, so we may simply announce that they are on their way, rather than publicly list who got what.

Forum content

  • We’re reviewing what kind of content can be posted where. Our initial thoughts are that all mobile/tablet device discussion, as well as open discussion and feedback about O2 and its services will go in the ‘Discussions and Feedback’ section. We definitely encourage all other unrelated discussions to continue, but that will be limited to the Off-topic section. We will have an open discussion on this, and make it very clear in a semi-guideline post, where regulars and newbies will know what to post and where.
  • We’re looking into options of finding a URL for ‘Unread posts’ without off-topic content included, making it easier for those who purely want to offer advice to be able to bypass unwanted content.
  • We will create guides on what Kudos is for and how to use it, and will hold an open discussion about it. We are also open to changing its name if this is something that may make it easier to understand.


  • We will include some additional points and other changes into the Community Guidelines for clarity. We’ll hold an open discussion to hear your views.

Forum Structure

  • We will also look into for example removing ‘Unanswered threads’ form the bottom of the community homepage and will be thinking of a replacement box - this has been mentioned by some of you as well. Again, we would like to read your views on this too.


We are approaching Christmas and are busy planning the next year ahead, but will begin these discussions and reviews when we can. We want to concentrate on each of the topics separately to give them all the attention they deserve. Also, the community team may stick with certain aspects as they are, but we want to try and be as open as possible with our reasoning and approach. There will undoubtedly be some aspects that some will not like, but hopefully we can alleviate some frustrations and enable us all to have fun here, whilst at the same time continue welcoming new members into this great community of passionate people.


I look forward to opening up the discussions around each of these areas in more detail soon. I hope you have a great week. Cat Very Happy

Message 1 of 77

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@Anonymous wrote:
Perhaps it is just part of the ethos in which I was brought up to do things for the sake of doing them and whenever/wherever possible to lend a helping hand/say an encouraging word without wanting or expecting "Kudos" in return. 

Hence my reasoning to change the word to "thanks" as I am sure no one is too rude to not wish to say "thanks" once in a while........?

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 21 of 77

Not applicable

I have just noticed that having failed to "gain a reputation" I have now been designated "Talkative" - and from my trusty and trusted "WordWeb" dictionary I see that the adjective "Talkative"  encompasses "Full of trivial conversation;  unwisely talking too much"  and the synonyms offered include "big mouthed, balbbermouthed, and garrulous".    Sounds like @Toby has characterised me quite well!     No Kudos there, I'm afraid though I dare say a few will disagree.  wink



Message 22 of 77

Not applicable

@MI5 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:
Perhaps it is just part of the ethos in which I was brought up to do things for the sake of doing them and whenever/wherever possible to lend a helping hand/say an encouraging word without wanting or expecting "Kudos" in return. 

Hence my reasoning to change the word to "thanks" as I am sure no one is too rude to not wish to say "thanks" once in a while........?

But the point is @MI5 - you don't need a Kudos "system" or button to say "Thanks", and there is no need to count how many "thanks" anyone gets over a period of time.

Message 23 of 77

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Lol I gave gerry kudos and he went up.
Message 24 of 77

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@MI5 wrote:
I fail to see how it isn't genuine though, although in my experience those who disprove of a system are usually those who don't either benefit from it or understand it.....?

I have benefited, maybe not as much as others but you know yourself how this has been abused particularly by one member who shall remain nameless, giving them out like smarties to every single answer in a thread that he has started and people replying because they know they will get a kudos no matter the content of the reply.

Tell me I'm wrong and I'll link you at least half a dozen threads where kudos number into the teens.


Message 25 of 77

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I see kudos as short agreements too.
If you agree with advice given it is just easier to hit that button than to post repetitive info.
Message 26 of 77

Level 56: Guvnor
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Sorry @jonsie I'm just kind like that....
Message 27 of 77

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@Anonymous wrote:

But the point is @MI5 - you don't need a Kudos "system" or button to say "Thanks", and there is no need to count how many "thanks" anyone gets over a period of time.

I'm saying you DO need a system of saying thanks, but I'll agree there is no need to count them......

@jonsie easily sorted by having a limit of say 5 kudos a day available, but if they weren't counted, it wouldn't matter anyway......

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 28 of 77

Not applicable

@viridis wrote:
Lol I gave gerry kudos and he went up.

Well that was not of my doing.  I have Kudos switched off so I no longer see or award them; as for having been moved "up" I have interpreted that as a clear signal to "please shut up" (or maybe just "shut up"). I will decide later whether to comply with that.  Smiley LOL



Message 29 of 77

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@viridis wrote:
I see kudos as short agreements too.
If you agree with advice given it is just easier to hit that button than to post repetitive info.

But people hit the button and still post information already given.....why? Especially at month end. Come on people if you disagree with me say so and I'll give you links and highlight the reported into. 

One thank you is worth a hundred kudos and none of the regulars show the number of kudos on their avatar by mutual consensus of opinion.

if I'm fighting a losing battle here just tell me and I'll shut up but to be honest I expected more guts from some people.

Message 30 of 77