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🍂 🍁 Community Recap: October 2020 🍂 🍁

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Hey guys,


what a month this has been. So much happened in the world and also here on the community so much went down.


Below is just a sample of all the content we had on here. And it is all because of you.


It's not too late to take part in any of the below conversations if you missed them earlier, and feel free to drop a note below on what topics were your favourites from





A Guide to Deal with Spam/Scam Calls and Text

@Cleoriff  has updated this guide originally written by @adamtemp64 with all the new information we currently have around those nasty scam messages and calls that are making the rounds.





The iPhone12 has launched

The highly anticipated new iPhone is finally out and available on O2. Everything you need to know about it or any questions you have will be answered in this thread.

It also comes with a variety of really cool new and sleek looking accessories and if you are not due for an upgrade yet have a look at this and find out how to recycle your old phone to get the new iPhone12.


The Priority Research Panel has Launched

At O2 we're constantly trying to improve our products with input from our customers. You might have noticed (or even been a part of) some of our various beta trials and product development initiatives here on the community in the past. Well it's good news, we have a new exciting opportunity for you. We are currently looking for active members of the O2 community who are interested in joining our O2 Priority Research Panel. As part of this group, you will be invited to join a private community space which we will use to occasionally ask for feedback and thoughts about the O2 Priority app. Thanks to everyone who is already a member of this group and for all your feedback.


Other new and exciting device announcements:


We love to hear what you think of these devices so please do comment when you spot a new announcement, we appreciate your thoughts on them. 



Chat Messaging (RCS), now available on Samsung S10

O2 has launched a new messaging service for Samsung users, called “Chat Messaging”. This will initially be available to the Samsung S10 range before a wider release to more devices in the coming months. Chat Messaging will give customers access to the latest in messaging technology. You may see this called Rich Communication Services (RCS for short) which is the industry name for the service, however O2’s branding of this technology will be Chat Messaging.


The Network Members Board

If you aren’t a a network member already you should consider it. As an active member on our community, we want to maximise your impact and hone your network expertise, so that you can help your friends, family and fellow community members with whatever network query they may have. Using this board, we will be sharing new and engaging ways to explain the basics of our mobile network, as well as the insights around new innovative technologies and our evolving network tools. In October we could Spot our 1000th small cell! and saw O2 launch first commercial 5G satellite lab in the UK to test autonomous vehicles. If you want to be part of this, send me a DM.





🎃 Halloweek on the O2 Community 🎃

We all had some good fun in a series of Halloween-themed discussions and activities/games all through the Halloween week on the O2 community. @Mi-Amigo even created a Halloween themed White Room Quiz.


The Wednesday Laugh Returns

The very popular Wednesday Laugh by @Bambino is back. If you are up for a giggle you should definitely drop by and have a look at this.


Science Jokes

Speaking of giggles- @pgn has created this thread for science jokes that is absolutely hysterical. Go check out the collection of memes and and jokes that will brighten your day.


Autumn is here- what have you spotted

It is undeniably autumn now - @Jenny105 has posted about all the signs of the seasons changes. From falling leaves to the birds heading south. Check this out and add some of the signs you saw.


Adamtemp got married

Our very own @adamtemp64 got married this month and we send him a little card to celebrate his lockdown wedding. We are very happy for you and wish you all the best for your future together.


Guess the Phone Round 2

Granted: This is for our more hardcore phone fans but @madasaf1sh takes you on a trip down memory lane with his massive collection of old and new phones. Are you able to name them all?


RIP Sean Connery

On a sad note- both @MI5 and @jonsie have been posting about the passing of probably best James Bond ever. You can see the threads here and here.




The threads above are just a small selection of the great content posted last month. Let us know your highlights from October below! 



COVID-19 support - Help and support from O2 during the lockdown
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If you'd like to take part, why not register? slight_smile

Message 1 of 6

Level 94: Supreme
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Wow, been busy this month!

However, off topic has always been my favourite, so I enjoyed Halloween week, particularly the one sentence spooky story (what a sick lot we are rofl)

I loved the emoji quiz, simply because I am usually poor at it and managed to guess a few.

Science jokes started by @pgn was good as I hate science, although managed to get a few jokes in. (Hey I understood them as well) Bouncy

Of course a LOT of work goes into the WRQ twice a week by @Mi-Amigo so the Halloween one was damn clever!


Finally, it's no secret that I hate this time of year...dull, dreary with limited natural light (UGH!!) so the activities for October have helped take my mind away from the seasonal change. 2020 is a year I will be pleased to see the back of. I suspect many of us affected by lockdown feel the same. Cat

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 6

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Not to mention the Bath Bombs In A Lost Box Affair, @LukasB 🛀🤣

Seriously, so much going on, it's hard to get a breather - metaphorically-speaking! 

And 3-Quiz-Weekly @Mi-Amigo deserves a medal, his questions prompt laughter, exasperation and on occasion, debate - a true Community 🌟

And yes, @adamtemp64 popping the question topped it off - good luck Adam and Mrs A! 

All these things bring light to a dark time of the year, well done everybody for keeping the darker corners of the Community Forum lit too. 

That reminds me, TNS probably needs an airing - there's always December for that! 


Message 3 of 6

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@pgn wrote:

Not to mention the Bath Bombs In A Lost Box Affair, @LukasB 🛀🤣



I had forgotten about the 'lost box' @pgn rofl

However, as I ended up with two, it was a bonus in the end. Dance

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 6

Level 47: Going Places
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Thank you for the Community Recap @LukasB 

I hadn`t realised how much has happened this month.

On the more serious side of things, I`m sure everyone will find @Cleoriff `s update of the Guide to deal with spam helpful.

As to the fun side, I had a great time with the Halloween Week on Off Topic. 

As @Cleoriff said, we let rip with the 1 sentence spooky story and showed what a weird sense of humour I`ve got.

Then there was @LukasB "Murder Mystery" which I solved in five mins [or thereabouts] so I guess this will not be his most treasured memory of Halloween week.

Thank you @LukasB  @Cleoriff and @pgn for your kind comments on the White Room Quiz Halloween Special. It was an absolute pleasure and lot of fun finding the 12 Halloween-related questions and I am so pleased that everyone who took part enjoyed the quiz. 


All in all, I think month showed that this is not a forum but a Community and what we can achieve when we support each other and helps us all to escape the dark days [in more ways than one] 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 5 of 6

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A lot has happened this month on the community and also on a personal note

In fact it's been a dire year all round with only the community for company for a large part of it.

The next 4/5 months will also be a bit grim (well, a lot!) until the better weather and lighter nights return around April.

So keep up the good work on here everyone, I can't always contribute, it's been very difficult the last few months,  but I try to keep up with the more interesting posts and the quizzes.

Message 6 of 6