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Unread Posts

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I have to ask this and wonder if there is a way round it...

There are a few threads on here at the moment that I have limited interest in. So I do two things..

1) Mark all posts as read

2) Unsubscribe from Topic

All appears fine for a while. I can then read and participate in those topics that do interest me.

Then suddenly after 30 miinutes or so...these posts start appearing again...

I have worked out that it is when a page is filled with comments and a new page begins.

It's as if Lithium makes a decision on my behalf that suddenly my interest in this topic has been re-ignited!

Surely if I unsubscribe from a topic, it is up to ME if I wish to subscribe again?

At the moment I am spending a lot of time going back and repeatedly Marking All Posts as Read

A waste of my valuable time in all honesty.

Is there anything else I can do to stop this annoying 'glitch'

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 37

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@Cleoriff he's right I'm afraid, you can't make the iPhone posts dissappear off the unread comments page. Lol
Message 11 of 37

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Hi @MichaelL 

Thanks for your response. So unsubscribing from topics ONLY stops email notifications coming in? Then if so. this appears to be quite the wording quite clearly states 'Unsubscribe from Topics'

Additionally, even if I don't post again in that topic,  emails still start coming in something is wrong with my settings?


Regarding the info in your 2nd paragraph....I have to stand my ground in this one.

If I have made my inclinations clear, i.e. I want all posts marked as read in a certain thread, then as far as I am concerned, that means ALL posts..past, present and future....

As I said. this is a time consuming exercise to KEEP going back and repeating this over and over again.

I am not sure what switching to the discussions tab will achieve?


Finally I have to say this. If I have opted out of reading about a topic (so I dont have to wade through reams of unwanted posts showing in my unread posts box) then the key to this is I have opted OUT?

At present the forum is deciding on my behalf that after 20 posts, I surely want to opt back in. I don't.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 12 of 37

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Hey Cleoriff.


In forum jargon, "subscribe" means "get email notifications" - it's just a quicker way of writing it that takes up less space. If you don't post again in that topic, you won't continue to get emails about it, sorry if my wording there was unclear.


Mark Topic as Read only means past and present posts - as far as I'm aware there's no way of marking future posts read.  I've never heard of a forum allowing you to display posts you haven't read as read but it might be around and I can definitely ask around to see if it's something that's possible. No promises about being able to achieve it mind!


Switching to the Discussions tab will mean each topic only appears once in Unread Posts. It should allow you to filter out the stuff you don't want to see more easily. 

Message 13 of 37

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@MichaelL wrote:

Hey Cleoriff.


 Mark Topic as Read only means past and present posts - as far as I'm aware there's no way of marking future posts read.  I've never heard of a forum allowing you to display posts you haven't read as read but it might be around and I can definitely ask around to see if it's something that's possible. No promises about being able to achieve it mind!


Switching to the Discussions tab will mean each topic only appears once in Unread Posts. It should allow you to filter out the stuff you don't want to see more easily. 




Thanks for this....

I will switch to the discussion tab to see if this helps my dilemma wink


Now ...onto the other issue you mention i.e


" I've never heard of a forum allowing you to display posts you haven't read as read but it might be around and I can definitely ask around to see if it's something that's possible"


.....I will hold you to this....and as you have mentioned it, I shall be returning.... like some sort of dog (Rottweiler) with a bone, to see if you have discovered a way round it all ...Happy Dance


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 14 of 37

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It seems you are set up correctly @cleoriff I just go through the interesting posts and then mark all as read. The unread posts will always include new posts in every topic unfortunately.

Message 15 of 37

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@MichaelL  Is there no setting in Lithium for 'ignore thread'?

iPhone 14 Pro (O2 ), S23U (EE), iPad Pro LTE (EE), .

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Message 16 of 37

Not applicable

@aldaweb wrote:

@MichaelL  Is there no setting in Lithium for 'ignore thread'?

@aldaweb   I did suggest a few weeks ago that a facility to "Sink topic to the bottom" similar to "Float to top" would be no bad thing.  Was shot down of course and am still dousing the flames.  LOL



Message 17 of 37

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@aldaweb wrote:

@MichaelL  Is there no setting in Lithium for 'ignore thread'?

You may be joking with this @aldaweb ...but what a damn good idea! wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 18 of 37

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Not applicable

@Cleoriff wrote:

@aldaweb wrote:

@MichaelL  Is there no setting in Lithium for 'ignore thread'?

You may be joking with this @aldaweb ...but what a damn good idea! wink

In theory, I'd agree, but then you nver know the gems you just might miss if you totally ignore a thread.  One thing I have learned in this Community is that sometimes you have to mine deep to find the productive vein. (Please don't ask fo an example of that.  Smiley Very Happy)



Message 20 of 37