on 05-10-2023 09:36
First I knew about any of this was two weeks ago when I receive a "final reminder" with the threat of court action and debt collection, for a fee that has not been paid totalling £6.
I immediately called customer support, although very polite they were as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
"You need to confirm the code I have sent to you registered email".......I cant as I have not ever registered an email with you, as I have never had anO2 account/phone or sim card.
"ok I will send you a text to your O2 mobile number"............errrm you cant as I do not have one?
"you must have to have a bill"....... I do not have a bill and have never had a bill as I do not have an O2 mobile.
"Do you have a virgin account".......I do but it is only a TV package I do not have a mobile with virgin or O2
"I think this is a sim only that was sent out"...... not to me, I have never requested one or received one
At this point I get passed to another department , so just repeat all the above to get the gist of my abject despair with the shambles that is O2 customer care; as my issue obviously didn't fit into any of the "on screen" scenarios they script off.
End result I get passed off to Virgin customer care?
Virgin are a little bemused as it is an O2 letter and they know nothing about it....but did kindly let me know O2 did send a shed load of sim cards to lots of Virgin customers with little to no explanation of what or why they were doing so.... last advice from Virgin was to call O2 customer care ..... great thanks.
So back to O2 I go just read the top of this post again and you'll get the idea of how the second call to O2 customer care went...anyway this ended with the conversation of
"you cannot verify so I cannot continue this conversation, you will be best to visit your local O2 shop"........ great that closed locally a mere month ago, so now I have to travel 20 miles to the next local O2 shop.
Shout out to Jamie (I think was the name) at the Didcot O2 outlet....you sir should get employee of the month award.
He listened to my issue even though I am not an O2 customer, he got on to customer help and immediately ran into the same issues I had where they want to send verification codes to media I do not have and have never registered.
This escalated to the highest managerial level at the customer care centre, where the manager said
"the easiest option is for you to pay the £6 and the £18 outstanding on the account plus a £20 cancellation fee, we can then close the account"............well its a no to all that, was my response and whats this about £18 outstanding on the account. I do not have an O2 account.
(seriously at this point I was ready to smash something up, because O2 customer care just were not listening and couldn't see these larger issues their threat of debt collection and courts would have on someone that wasn't even one of their customers).
Jamie stood his ground on my behalf and finally the customer care manager, agreed to authorise the closure of the account with any fee's being written off.
So I am now (still) waiting on a final bill/letter stating the account is closed......however this morning I receive a letter stating "account has now been blocked and will be passed to debt collection.
Great so from a Non-O2 customer...... thank you so much O2 for the stress caused by the, threats of debt collection and court, along with the general lack of chuffing help from you customer care teams trying to sort what looks to be a fraudulent use of my details to set up a sim on your system.
on 05-10-2023 10:02
If it wasn't serious this would be hilarious.
Just highlights perfectly the shambles that is Virgin Media O2 currently.
on 05-10-2023 10:07
Just to check. When you took out a TV package with Virgin did they put you on a Volt Tariff?
Worth checking with them if this was the case.
Let us know
on 05-10-2023 20:17
I get the feeling that these links might prove useful in the near future :-
on 06-10-2023 11:40
on 06-10-2023 11:40
We've had the package for 20ish years and nothing about volt that I'm aware of......will check though
on 06-10-2023 12:00
on 06-10-2023 12:00
It might be called Oommph and came with a free unlimited sim, which is now chargeable and credited to your VM account