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The iPhone 4 Upgrade Offer

Not applicable
Hi, i know this may have already been posted and answered, for that i apologies.

But basically at the moment im reading mixed reports that o2 are offering the upgrade to all customers still under contact and other reports stating that this offer only applies to those who are under an iPhone contact.

Im hoping the latter is not the case as my contact run out in January and i stated as i knew the iPhone 4 would be coming out in the near future that i would want to get this upon its release. The gentleman who done my upgrade said that this would be fine and basically describe what by the looks of things is the special limited time offer that o2 are going to offer, the only thing is though the upgrade i got, gave me a blackberry as i already had the 3gs.

So to sum up im just wondering if anyone knows of the criteria of this special upgrade? or am i just being inpatient?


Message 1 of 75

Not applicable
Sorry to seem abrupt but the offer from o2 is not unclear,
it is for ANY customer, not just existing iphone customers.

the offer is for one month only, and dependent on stock obviously, for all customers that are not eligible yet to upgrade "regardless of what phone you currently have" you can pay a one off fee of £20 for each month of contract you have left" to upgrade early to the iphone 4

it doesnt matter wether you currently have a nokia or an iphone.

the Buy out fee must be paid on a card and cannot be added to your bill. and as to what the actually iphone 4 or tariffs will be, we dont know yet.

hope this clears it up for everyone,
Message 21 of 75

Not applicable

"...the offer from o2 is not unclear..."???

Given the amount of people on Twitter and on various forums that are under the impression that the "Early Upgrade Charge" is all they will have to pay to get an iPhone 4 on launch day, I would say the offer is very unclear. Are you suggesting that all of those people are stupid or something??

So, it's your job to help o2 keep its customers?? Obviously I can't speak for anyone else, but due to your arrogance I'm now even more inclined to leave o2 when my contract expires. Well done
Message 22 of 75

Not applicable
Firstly, arrogance was not my intention, yet saving people time and energy was.

The offer and advice is not UNCLEAR, your right it doenst explain anywhere what the charge for the handset would be or the tariff, but as i said in my earlier post that is because we dont know yet!
the majority of people doing the early/buyout upgrade will be people who did exactly the same thing with the last two iphones and this is no different from that,
so just as you say They ASSUME they wont have to pay anything is not something that o2 can be blamed for,
so many people assume!
this leads to problems quite clearly.
Also if you wish to leave to go to another network for something as silly as the way i posted my comment on a forum then so be it, just goes to show the unecassary hysteria that is generated by soemthing as basic as a mobile phone, seriously there are far more important things in the world!
Message 23 of 75

Not applicable
Firstly, arrogance was not my intention, yet saving people time and energy was.
The offer and advice is not UNCLEAR, your right it doenst explain anywhere what the charge for the handset would be or the tariff, but as i said in my earlier post that is because we dont know yet!
the majority of people doing the early/buyout upgrade will be people who did exactly the same thing with the last two iphones and this is no different from that,
so just as you say They ASSUME they wont have to pay anything is not something that o2 can be blamed for,
so many people assume!
this leads to problems quite clearly.
Also if you wish to leave to go to another network for something as silly as the way i posted my comment on a forum then so be it, just goes to show the unecassary hysteria that is generated by soemthing as basic as a mobile phone, seriously there are far more important things in the world!

I'd say your last paragraph proves my point exactly. Time to go back to Vodafone I think
Message 24 of 75

Not applicable
..."a ridiculous amount of calls"...?

"to be quite frank"....?

"all of the info is clearly on the website"....?

Nattalie24 - Do you realise how rude you sound? I can appreciate that you're getting a large amount of calls. However the new iPhone is a highly desired phone, and all of the information is NOT on the website yet, as you don't know the tariff prices.

It is understandable that some customers will be ringing you for information. As you state, you are an o2 Retention Advisor (is this a customer service advisor with a fancy name?). It is your job to advise, not to come on here to air your own personal frustrations in such a rude and arrogant way.

I trust that your line manager is aware that you've posted on here in such a way? As much as you may want to shout and swear at everyone for not finding your information clear, in doing so you could be putting a lot of customers off upgrading with you and, instead, looking elsewhere.

*EDIT - I've just seen that you've posted again - you're really not doing yourself any favours here, Nattalie.
Message 25 of 75

Not applicable
Firstly, arrogance was not my intention, yet saving people time and energy was.
The offer and advice is not UNCLEAR, your right it doenst explain anywhere what the charge for the handset would be or the tariff, but as i said in my earlier post that is because we dont know yet!
the majority of people doing the early/buyout upgrade will be people who did exactly the same thing with the last two iphones and this is no different from that,
so just as you say They ASSUME they wont have to pay anything is not something that o2 can be blamed for,
so many people assume!
this leads to problems quite clearly.
Also if you wish to leave to go to another network for something as silly as the way i posted my comment on a forum then so be it, just goes to show the unecassary hysteria that is generated by soemthing as basic as a mobile phone, seriously there are far more important things in the world!

I said in another post that i believe o2 should have anounced both the tariffs and the early upgrade offer at the same time which would have eluded all of this confusion
Message 26 of 75

Not applicable
I think in Nattalie's defense all the information that o2 have has been stated on the website, things that we are still unclear about will be cleared up we just have to wait...

On the other hand maybe a better approach to o2 customers here in the forum was needed, understanding you can be just as frustrated as customers are.

But this thread isn't about the rights and wrongs of o2 customer service...simply a iPhone 4 upgrade thread.
Message 27 of 75

Not applicable
I think in Nattalie's defense all the information that o2 have has been stated on the website, things that we are still unclear about will be cleared up we just have to wait...
On the other hand maybe a better approach to o2 customers here in the forum was needed, understanding you can be just as frustrated as customers are.
But this thread isn't about the rights and wrongs of o2 customer service...simply a iPhone 4 upgrade thread.

I agree with you - however, whilst the information on the O2 website is clear up to a point, there is still confusion as to the total price of an early upgrade, due to the fact that O2 don't have the phone prices and tariffs yet. We'll have to wait for this, which is fine.

I think what gets peoples' backs up more is the seemingly arrogant attitude displayed by Nattalie in her replies. At the end of the day, each and every person using this forum is a paying customer and, as an O2 employee (especially one whose role involves customer retention!), she should treat them as such. I can understand that she will have her own set of frustrations because of the amount of customers ringing in for information that they are unable to provide at the moment, through no fault of their own. But coming on the forums and posting in such a way won't help.
Message 28 of 75

Not applicable
How can anybody say it is not clear? I DO NOT work for O2, I would like to point out but a clear grasp of the English language spells it out for you..

A few rules before you can take advantage of the offer. You have to:
1. Have paid your Early Upgrade Offer charge;
2. Sign up for a new 18 or 24 month minimum term Pay Monthly or 24 month Business airtime contract with O2 with an iPhone at the normal price for that phone and on our iPhone tariffs; and
3. Agree that you won't have a change of mind period and won't be able to go back to your old tariff.

Point 1 - Pay the off charge, which means pay £20 for each remaining month of your contract and O2 state before that, that this means to the contract end date and not the upgrade date.

Point 2 - You will sign up to a new 18/24 month contract at the normal price for the phone on the iphone tariff. That means you will pay the standard price for the phone, I don't think that gets any clearer!
Message 29 of 75

Not applicable
I don't think people commenting in reference to what you just said. I think everyone would agree the information that has been posted by o2 on their website is very clear. However the bit of information they have posted directly links to the price of the tariffs and the phone which we are waiting to find out. Therefore this is the reason people are stating that it is unclear.
Message 30 of 75