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Technology and Lifestyle

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On the forum tonight, some of us started chatting about this so I have decided to start a thread on it.

It is a subject that fascinates and even bewilders me at times...

I freely admit I am a 'child of the 60's' and our lifestyle was... and still is... a lot different to many of you who post on this forum.

I would love anything else wouldn't give me the answer....and its about the use of technology (Smartphones and Tablets) as part of your daily lives and how it has changed since 'my day' Rolleys do you do it?

By IT I mean...

* Having a job

* A family

* A social life....

and combining all of these with todays technology....

Its not just posting on this forum...its the bigger picture that folk nowadays can't go out without a phone...ready to post stuff on social media sites, forums and whatever else is available.

I know it will be 'managing your time to suit society today'....but at the risk of sounding like an old 'my day' (I hate that expression).... people used to talk, laugh, discuss and debate. face to face...

If anyone takes offence at this assured I am NOT having a dig...I am fascinated by the whole way society is changing.....



Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 61

Not applicable

@MI5 wrote:
You have to be as inventive as the censor in the way you write some words with different connotations.....
I find "c0ck" usually gets through OK though wink

LOL   Thanks for the tip @MI5  - though not sure how often or in what context I would need that patrticular word though come to think of it I do tend to refer technical and other blunders using that word with the preposition "up" so your advice may well come in handy!!!



Message 31 of 61

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It would be interesting to know which words are censored....
Dyke was on the list but Toby removed it, so any words we want to use (in the correct language context) can be removed from the blacklist....
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Message 32 of 61

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@MI5 wrote:
It would be interesting to know which words are censored....
Dyke was on the list but Toby removed it, so any words we want to use (in the correct language context) can be removed from the blacklist....

I gave you a kudo for your last post @MI5  when I actually was clicking yet again technology beats me...:smileytongue:

I wanted to use a picture of the goddess dyce (spelt dyke) for my avatar...I had to go throught Toby the time he got back to me I had gone for a cougar insteadLOL

Anyway as you are on the thread you mind telling me how you manage your life with technology?

I am sure it would be of interest to many of us here.

You are after all the highest ranked member of the forum....and I do know you have a job that involves much travel...and a family...and kids...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 33 of 61

Not applicable
I'm not sure could release those secret algorithms. wink
Message 34 of 61

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I hadn't responded the thread subject so far as I have a problem with the terminology "how do you manage your life with technology" as my whole life is technology.
I'm always connected to the office so no matter where I am in the world or what I'm doing it's no different to sitting at my work desk, and my social life / spare time is the same but with different equipment.....
So, I guess what I'm saying is that without technology I would have no life 😞
Of course I walk away from it at times to do the good old fashioned recreational activities such as playing/coaching football and cricket, riding my bike, but even tech plays a part then in the use of the Strava app to monitor my progress and fitness levels slight_smile

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.

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Pixel 7a (O2 & Lyca), One Plus 6 (Sfr), iPhone 12 Pro Max (Vodafone)
Message 36 of 61

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i did get Philip K Dick added after that was bleeped with reference to Blade Runner Bouncy

As to the OP,

I couldn't live without the radio which was one of the first things I bought or built. I grew up in the 50s before the concept of personal computers let alone mobile phones. The nearest there was to a mobile phone was the two-way radios in vehicles, of which I had the use of an Air-Call one later on which had to be patched through the radio operator to make a call to a land-line and was quite expensive IIRC.

So in respect of modern day technology everything has changed for me. If you wanted so much as pocket calculator you had to build it from a kit and it was expensive so we stuck with log tables. I wonder how many know what they are? For play there was only the local rec or maybe the canal on rafts made of old oil drums, or perhaps board games with the family.

In work at one time we used to use pagers which meant constantly trying to find a working phone box just to retrieve whatever message has been left. Now the messages just come straight through to the phone and can be immediately actioned. Whereas looking up travel details would mean brochures and timetables that can all be done on tablet or PC now, and with smartphone apps you can get real-time indications of bus train or tram arrival times (or tube if you're on a station with WiFi).

As for family, well communicating used to have to be via letter writing before any of them had even land lines installed, but it's so much easier now just to bang off a quick email or text and calls always seem to last around an hour.

As I'm into photography and have had a string of SLR's, the switch to digital has meant less film wastage though I still can't get out of the habit of trying to get the right shot first time or not at all slight_smile I haven't yet found a sufficiently convergent device to replace a standalone camera though in addition to my DSLR I am also now using a compact that is controllable from a smartphone or tablet.


iPhone 14 Pro (O2 ), S23U (EE), iPad Pro LTE (EE), .

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Message 37 of 61

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Sines, cosines and tangents, those were the days.

I also think the art of writing and spelling has been lost which is a great shame but these are the sacrifices we have to put down to the technical changes in our lifestyle and schooling.

Message 38 of 61

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Strangely I still reach for my Zeus tables whenever I need a reference from them - I guess I could go online to do it but sometimes the old fashioned way just seems "right".
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.

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Pixel 7a (O2 & Lyca), One Plus 6 (Sfr), iPhone 12 Pro Max (Vodafone)
Message 39 of 61

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