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Solved poor reception with dual sim phone

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I had mentioned previously that i intend to buy a dual sim phone to overcome poor o2 reception indoors, and i was requested to give feedback on how I found it.

Ok, so I got the dual sim phone (Samsung Galaxy S5 dual sim) a few months ago, and I set up call redirect when out of coverage. It didn't work most of the time, as it would either go to voicemail instead, or give a message that the number dialled is not recognised!

I've recently thought about it properly, and realised that voicemail is also a call redirect, so I had to turn it off (and also turn off the O2 free call alert first). Additionally, the number dialled not recognised issue was because i put the redirect number as 07xxxxxxxxx, when I should put it as 00447xxxxxxxxx. I've done these two changes now, and I believe I have successfully solved the problem I was facing, because a few times now, I'm receiving calls on my other number when no one else has it i.e. they called my o2 number and it redirected it to my other number.


So, if you are someone who was facing poor indoor reception, the above may help!

Message 1 of 25

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@MI5 wrote:

@Cleoriff wrote:

@MI5 wrote:
The downside of the adapters is that you can't have both sims on standby at the same time.

So....what would be the point of the adaptors then @MI5 ?

I presume you would have to choose what sim to use at any given time?....If so..then next question .....

With a dual sim handset... a call could through at any time from either sim?...

An adapter just means you only have to carry one phone but yes, you have to manually switch sim cards based on signal or intended use.

With a proper dual sim phone either sim can be used at anytime/all the time.

True, but if you're away to a country  with fairly developed 3G/4G networks, you can use a TuGo+dual-sim adaptor combi, so even if just one (local counry's one) sim is active at a time, calls and texts to your O2 number would come via TuGo. And you don't get billed for incoming calls whilst roaming. This is provided you're on O2 PayM/business, of course.

Message 21 of 25

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Thanks @cyrillicguy  More info to process....Smiley Very Happy

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Girl in a jacket
Message 22 of 25

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@Cleoriff wrote:

Thanks @cyrillicguy  More info to process....Smiley Very Happy


I often end up carrying two phones anyway slight_smile It all depends on where you travel, how easy it is to purchase a local sim in a certain country (as in some places this can be a task and a half), how long are you there for etc.


In case anyone's interested :)... my personal travelling abroad strategy  is as such:


1) If my destination country is one of the Three's Feel At Home ones - top up my Three Pay&Go sim, buy a bunde of minutes/data, divert all calls from my O2 number to my Three number before leaving UK. 


2) If it's one of the countries, where local sims are cheap and can be bought easily then it's a local sim + TuGo combi. Like in Poland, where you can get a Play network's starter for about £1 and it comes with 250MB preloaded.


3) If it's the place outside EU and it's not one of Three's Feel At Home destinations and buying a local sim there is difficult/inconvenient/expensive etc. -  divert all calls from my O2 number to my Mobile by Sainsbury's number before leaving (their roaming tariffs for incoming calls are about 5-7 pence/min no matter where you go), keep my O2 sim turned on in order not to miss any incoming texts, and as for data ... just use WiFi whenever I can.


4) And of course for certain, especially short trips to EU countries, just leave my O2 sim on and use Data Travel.

Message 23 of 25

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Interesting reading that. I travel a lot though recently, never as far afield as you. I go to Spain every 6-8 weeks making use of my apartment when it's free..

I use my O2 sim and with the use of Wifi in the apartment (which I can pick up when down at the pool) I am good to go.

I am quite happy with O2's 50p connection fee as my family are 'instructed' to save all the chat and let me have the lot in one call (unless it's an emergency) Happy Dance

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 24 of 25

Not applicable

Thanks for updating us with your thoughts and experience.This can be a very good solution for those who are suffering with patchy signal. Good Idea @Anonymous 

Message 25 of 25