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O2 Announce iPhone 4 handset prices per tariff

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And you managed to miss this thread how? viewtopic.php?t=43501
Stop setting up duplicates when its clear to see that there is already a discussion re this topic!

Probably wants to tell us that he has ordered 2 x 32Gb iP4's again. grin

Agree totally, no need for the mucho threads! I need the delete button! wink

grin Did i tell you i ordered 2 32gb iP4's again what a result lol

£1200 well spent...... I hope!

Well the way i see it, they are gonna be massive it's on the news that they are going for over a grand on ebay and i can go with whatever network i want without any grief, but yes i will admit i was toggling with the figures for a while before deciding to take the plunge.

I would have waited for a review before laying out that kind of cash.

I am not quizzing your logic. I have just bought a SIM free Desire for my wife and a Simplicity SIM. I would have just waited a couple of weeks until somebody had got their hands on it and giving it the once over.
Message 11 of 24

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I have a desire also a very good phone that was a upgrade from a simplicity,
Message 12 of 24

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Totally agree with ancientferguson.

Can't understand why people are so willing to hand over hundreds and hundreds of £'s for something that hasn't even been properly reviewed yet. The only 'reviews' we've had are either from Steve Jobs or Gadget websites that got their hands on one for 2 minutes at the WWDC.

Lust and the wish to be the coolest person in the pub overrides logic, it would seem. I'm sticking with my Desire until the iP4 has been reviewed PROPERLY, by people who actually use it every day. I'd prefer to have an iPhone4 owner SHOW me why it's worth the money, rather than have someone like Jobs, or a 2 minute quick review TELL me.
Message 13 of 24

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Have you or do any of you guys own a iPhone 3GS i have had all of the iPhones since launch and every time they get easier to operate and so advanced, now i am used to the iphone i honestly couldn't use another handset comfortably.
My desire i have played with briefly but it's back in the box, probably soon to be sold.
Message 14 of 24

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Have you or do any of you guys own a iPhone 3GS i have had all of the iPhones since launch and every time they get easier to operate and so advanced, now i am used to the iphone i honestly couldn't use another handset comfortably.
My desire i have played with briefly but it's back in the box, probably soon to be sold.

I would dare to suggest that the Desire was built for the educated and the iPhone is aimed at the dumplings. Would you agree?

Incidentally, I am considering the iPhone! wink
Message 15 of 24

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It's no more advanced than a Desire or an Evo 4G, with the exception of perhaps the HD video recording when compared to the Desire (but no HDMI output, why?).

Processor Capability = Same
Camera = Same (not as good as Evo 4G)
Screen = Better, but is that really enough of a selling point considering that HTC etc are already planning phones with similar displays?
Multitasking = Not as good (the iPhone STILL doesn't multitask properly)
Video playback on web = Can you say FLASH..? Nope, neither can Apple.

Don't get me wrong, I'll still get one, but not on the basis that it's the "best" smartphone out there, because it's not.
Message 16 of 24

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Pricing information for the O2 pay-as-you-go iPhone 4 will be released later in the year. ... aled-by-o2

so does that mean that if we want to get the iphone4 on a simplicity tariff ....we have to get it from apple?

Another question if they do PAYG iphone 4 ....would it be unlocked like the ones from apple?
Message 17 of 24

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Totally agree with ancientferguson.
Can't understand why people are so willing to hand over hundreds and hundreds of £'s for something that hasn't even been properly reviewed yet. The only 'reviews' we've had are either from Steve Jobs or Gadget websites that got their hands on one for 2 minutes at the WWDC.

What is the point in a review? Surely it's just somebody else's opinion - what if it's not the same as yours? You might buy something because you're read a great review of it and it turns out you hate it. Or vice versa.

Reviews are pointless - you need tech specs and then the ability to make up your own mind, not be influenced by some faceless person who may have a completely different agenda.
Message 18 of 24

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Totally agree with ancientferguson.
Can't understand why people are so willing to hand over hundreds and hundreds of £'s for something that hasn't even been properly reviewed yet. The only 'reviews' we've had are either from Steve Jobs or Gadget websites that got their hands on one for 2 minutes at the WWDC.

What is the point in a review? Surely it's just somebody else's opinion - what if it's not the same as yours? You might buy something because you're read a great review of it and it turns out you hate it. Or vice versa.
Reviews are pointless - you need tech specs and then the ability to make up your own mind, not be influenced by some faceless person who may have a completely different agenda.

I prefer the advice of people who are testing models continually with a much greater insight than I have.

I like to research, primarily to ensure that drunken purchases do not occur! slight_smile
Message 19 of 24

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I prefer the advice of people who are testing models continually with a much greater insight than I have.

How do you know they have?
Message 20 of 24