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Just An Idea: Change Colour Of Text Bubbles On Apple Devices

Level 23: Casual Specs
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I think Apple should allow its users to decide on the colours of the text bubbles. 

Currently iMessages are blue and text messages are green. 

It'd be nice if we could decide what colours were used.  Some people detest the colour green. 

I suggest red or pink text bubbles for everyone slight_smile

I think it would be a good feature for Apple to add to allow users to personalise their device more. slight_smile

Message 1 of 25

Level 56: Guvnor
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I agree, if it was me, I would personally say the ram optimisation and sprite kit support
Sprite kit's features will benefit all in the future but for now, is very much unique to Apple os x and ios
Message 21 of 25

Level 23: Casual Specs
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My thread is about the change of text bubbles on Apple devices and while I am ok answering your a question about the Apple vs Android debate, it is beginning to go off topic. 

Can we please stay on topic guys slight_smile

Message 22 of 25

Level 56: Guvnor
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So you complain it's going off topic, after participating in the off topic discussion yourself a full day after anyone posts?
The only reason the thread went off topic was because you were told the changing of bubbles colours is not possible on ios but is a beneficial feature of android os to which you responded that there were some features exclusive to apple that were not on android.
Mi5 simply asked such as?
Now, if you had responded with a load of different features that were unique and wonderful I'm sure 100% you'd be happy with the off topic comments, but because there really aren't any unique features, it quickly got accused of being turned into an ios vs android debate, which it wasn't.
Very sorry if you feel that was the intention but I can assure you this is not an apple vs android thing.
Message 23 of 25

Level 23: Casual Specs
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I waited a full day to respond? I can't be online 24/7 so I responded when I was next online.

All I said was can we keep it on topic.  I made a comment saying I prefer some things on the Apple compared to Android.  There is a difference between a one off comment and a discussion, which is what this is turning in to.

Message 24 of 25

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Hi guys,

Please try and stay on topic as much as you can. I know discussion can easily go in other directions due to this being a forum after all, but please keep it in mind. However, we must all allow a bit of banter and wider discussion, as this is the beauty of a forum slight_smile

If you have points about a discussion that you feel may veer off-topic, create a new thread and mention this in the present discussion. That way you can chat about what you want to, without unintentionally steering another person's discussion away from its original focus.
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Message 25 of 25