on 26-05-2012 09:17
on 26-05-2012 09:17
Over the last few days I have developed a problem with my main o2 email address. I constantly get supposedly returned emails from email addresses I neither know nor use.
All the emails return via the o2 postmaster and are headed either Mail Delivery Service, Delivery Status or Failed Delivery Status and in the body simply says the email address could not be reached and show the returned routing. I am getting loads.
Seeing I am not sending any of these ( I had about 150 returned yesterday alone) how the hell do I stop them. My spam filter is not filtering them out properly. Not a problem on my PC - but a royal pain when they are also coming to my Iphone and I am deleting swathes at a time.
Anyone else encountering this or have any suggestions ?
on 20-06-2012 09:24
on 20-06-2012 09:24
http://community.o2.co.uk/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/45 click this then click send this user a pm on the right hand side