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C905 Faults!!

Not applicable
Hello there.

Basically just posting to moan about a fault i've had with my C905.

Basically I can no longer hear anyone when they phone me or when I phone them. The only solution round this is to put my loudspeaker on!
Unfortunately, this is the second time this has happened so I now have to exchange my phone for the second time (It will be the thrid c905 Ive had in less than 2 weeks!)

Im just wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem or whether theres something i'm missing (a setting for example...and yes the volume is turned up!)

I keep my phone in my jeans pocket with the screen facing my leg (i broke the screen on my old one with the screen facin outwards) I havent dropped the phone, nor has been anywhere near any water. I had a phonecall earlier in the day and its been fine, but all of a sudden my next call I couldnt hear anything.

It's really annoying me now as this shouldnt be happening. I had my first phone for a week and the second has lasted just 5 days!

I love everything else about the phone and have had sony ericssons for about 5 years now...i'm just wondering if im being really unlucky or there is a genuine fault with this particular model.

Sorry to moan in my first post, but if you could reply that would be great.

Message 1 of 16

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Oh no! My C905 has started giving me trouble. I keep getting an engaged signal even when the other person is not on their phone! I reported this to O2 over the telephone, when the phone was one week old but they said maybe it was the sim card. I went to the O2 shop to get a new sim and was told that was not the problem, my sim was fine. I then started having the same problems as mentioned in previous posts. I can only talk to people on speaker and also I have big problems even connecting to another phone.

So, I was going to send my phone back and demand a new one but Oh No, I went and dropped it! There is a nice dent in the side. Do you think O2 will still replace the handset or will they try and say the problem is due to the drop?? :womanindifferent:
Message 11 of 16

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You may now have a problem,

Even though there is a few problems with the c905, as you have now what they called damaged the phone, they can turn round and say that this is due to dropping the unit, Im not sure if you will ge a replacement, you could ask and try tho.

only o2 will be able to tell you this
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Use iPhone XS Max dual sim, SE, Honor 10, IPad Pro 11, Apple Watch 4 LTE, 100+ Mpbs Barrier and a Record Player.

Message 12 of 16

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I have the same problems. I can only hear a call if it is on speaker phone!!! I phoned O2 and they said they can offer a refurbished phone or a replacement! If it's broken and can not be repaired, should I not get a new one???
Message 13 of 16

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you can only get a new phone replacement if you have had the handset less than 28 days. after 28 days you will be offered a reboxed replacement that is only if you took the phone out online/sales over the phone. If you took the handset in the store then they will send it off for repair.
Message 14 of 16

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So, I was going to send my phone back and demand a new one but Oh No, I went and dropped it! There is a nice dent in the side. Do you think O2 will still replace the handset or will they try and say the problem is due to the drop?? :womanindifferent:

Dont tell them and hope they dont notice!!

Seem to be quite a lot of people with this problem - my earpiece gave up on me after just 2 weeks and it's just riddled with other software / hardware issues - WiFi seems to be a bit of a dark area too- unless you run an IT business or know your stuff on computers it seems that streaming is out of the question.

The whole thing reaks of a rushed, botched alternative to the iPhone- dissapointing but at least they got the camera right
Message 15 of 16

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I belive that if there is a manufacturers warranty then you should get a repcament phone. I am waiting to hear back from Consumer Direct whether this should be replacement or a brand new phone. My understanding is that it should be a new phone. In the same way a if you bought a fridge freezer in Comet and it packed in after 28 days, you woyuld under the warranty get a new one. However I am waiting to confirm this. I bought my phone when it cam out from O2 O2 have not been the most helpful to say the least. O2 said I should approach Sony Ericsson regarding thi. This is total nonsence though as you should return the faulty good to the trader not the manufacturer. Today I received a replacment - a refurbished phone, clearly judging my the dust, grime and marks on it! Not happy! I'll let you know what happens next......
Message 16 of 16