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Forgive me if this ends up into a rant.


My Galaxy S2 has started to behave oddly. I could be on the net with it, then put it to sleep and place it on the table. So many minutes later i can not wake it up. I take out the battery, put it back in and on it comes but with, and sometimes, a massive drop in power with a sharp vertical line on the battery usage graph.


I spoke to one of the 02 chat people who advised to get a new battery. So heres my beef. You can not buy a galaxy s2 from a) any 02 store, b) carphonewarehouse. You can buy them at indipendant stores but you will find the price to way higher than 02's £19.99.


So instead of being able to sort the problem quickly, before the phone decides it wont work at all, i have to wait up to 5 days to get one delivered from the 02 online store.


Sorry again but its really wound me up.

Message 1 of 59

Not applicable
@JimmyGS2 - stop being in denial. If you really had the remotest idea about the settings and features in your Samsung Galaxy S2 you would not have come here for help to start with. You have, in the main, questioned, queried or simply ignored the knowledgeable advice given to you here. Frankly, it's your phone, your mess and your ignorance so why anyone should now care about it beats me.
Message 31 of 59

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He also said he knew how to use an iPhone? Huh thought this was all about a Samsung 

Message 32 of 59

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Ok, sorry. 


Ive requested a repair as the phone is still within warrenty. Its software is, according to KIES, the most up to date. Ive removed all the apps ive added to it to see if that makes any difference. I dont use any battery saving software except that which the phone has installed already.  It is not the battery, thats obvious now that i swapped with my wife's phone and just 3 hours ago it did it again. I truely dont know why my phone has started doing this (since mid August i think the first incident was) yesterday it did it with a difference. Normally when it boots up it tells me my battery percentage is much lower than it was, but yesterday it told me it was more than it was before the incident so on the graph the vertical line went up and not down. If you could tell me what settings you need to know i will be happy to provide them. I wont be taking her to a store for repair till next week as then i will be on annual leave and have more time.  Im sorry for any issues caused. I honestly thought i need how my phone worked. I dont do custom ROM's or themes. 

Message 33 of 59

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did you try the location settings advice i gave you

Message 34 of 59

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I did. I actually turned off location based services. 

Message 35 of 59

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All the repair centre will do will be to flash new firmware, which you can do yourself and save the 2 week turnaround time. If it still plays up after this then it has to be a hardware issue which would require diagnostic equipment to diagnose.
If you want to flash it yourself I can give you the details but I need you to type *#1234# into your dialler and let me know what you get back.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 36 of 59

Not applicable
@JimmyGS2 [quote]Its software is, according to KIES, the most up to date.[/quote]

At the risk of repeating myself a third time, and hoping this time you get it, you do not need Kies to tell you what your device status is. Most Samsung users exist without Kies.
All you need to do is go into 'Settings' > scroll to the bottom and select 'About Phone' where all the relevant information in a clear and understandable format exists.
Message 37 of 59

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I am not so confident in flashing my phone myself to be honest, no offence. As for the phones details my software is 4.03.
Message 38 of 59

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@JimmyGS2 wrote:
I am not so confident in flashing my phone myself to be honest.
Fair enough. One last thing you can try is a factory reset but back up first. If you send phone off you will need to back up anyway as the phone will be wiped by the repair centre....
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 39 of 59

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I did a factory reset the day before yesterday incident. so off to repair it seems. Thanks for all your advice.
Message 40 of 59